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Posts posted by Stillkill

  1. On 12/19/2016 at 1:57 PM, robotworks said:

    I am trying to create a multi-player game for my students where they can all work on the same space station - creating, launching, flying, and docking components for the space station. Is this possible with the DarkMultiPlayer (DMP) mod and server. We have DMP working on a non-EDU version, but cannot get it to show up in the EDU version. I appreciate any assistance anyone can provide.


    Unfortunately, DMP is not compatible with Kerbal EDU in my experience. It is still in alpha build, and I doubt that compatibility will come to KerbalEDU because of the time it would take the developer to make two versions of the mod.

    I'm pretty sure it is possible for a mod to be created for EDU, try having your school's CompSci class build a mod for you guys. Maybe you can convince @GodArkLight to give you the source code of DMP to work off of.

  2. I am looking to buy an nice telescope that wont break my wallet too much, but not one of those cheap ones. Anyone have some advice on where to look, what kind of specs im looking at, all that stuff.


    Asking all of you cuz we're all bloody rocket scientists


    edit: Anybody know if there is a "special term" for the telescopes that can connect to your computer and have the image on the screen?

  3. I need some spacish music that would be good to play over my challange submissions. Some kind of classical "beats" that kinda sound like they could be in space.

    I have never been really good at choosing music for things but i like this one here (as a sapce song, not personal favorite) : Ascendancy -Dexter Britain (https://soundcloud.com/dexterbritain/ascendancy)

    If you have any suggestions, let me know, eh?

  4. Even needed more things to fill your time with? Well, here are some pointless internet loops that i found for you. Some are classic, some are older. 

    Maybe post some of your own. I am looking for some more ammunition for my spam wars and want to see what loops you've found. Keep it clean.

    Some anime parody (classic) i laughed for a good min and the song is catchy (www.leekspin.com)

    omfgdogs.com(Im pretty sure this is what it was like in this scene of Family Guy, Family Guy Light Speed) (Mods got med at last link)



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