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Everything posted by GuidedCursor

  1. Problem solved guys. It was my PSU, CORSAIR VS650, even though it still got 2 years of warranty left. I just bought a new PSU, works like a charm. Thanks for the help.
  2. I just uninstalled it by Device Manager. *I did try the DDU and clean-installed the last year version, still the same.
  3. There was no BSOD at all. It just suddenly shutdown and rebooted itself.
  4. That's what I thought, but I was kinda sure that my hardware didn't cause the problem. Also, rollback GPU driver to several previous versions didn't help. Well, Thanks for the advice. At least now I know it wasn't KSP.
  5. Hello. I need you guys' advice on this. I suspect EVE caused my PC to randomly shutdown while playing KSP 1.3 My desktop PC had no problems with KSP 1.2.2 and the previous version of EVE, it can handle other high demanding games. I updated it to the latest GPU driver and Win 10 version, cleaned my PC but that didn't help. There was no sign of CPU/GPU overheated before it randomly shutdown. It also doesn't matter which config (BoulderCo,SVE,Astronomer,etc...) has been installed, it still happened unless EVE is removed. I'm really in a bind for weeks, it would be nice if at least I get some clues about what's going on here. My PC specs Windows 10 Professional (x64) Intel Core i7-4790K NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 16GB RAM 650W PSU Here's the output_log of my default playthrough which had just crashed https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9E2jSlYcW7pY2liTGdRVUxibzA The output_log of the test run with EVE and SVE config (also crashed) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9E2jSlYcW7pTFlUUGNYbFVDNVE
  6. Hi Nils Thank you so much for your contribution, your works are game changer to me. May I ask you if it possible to make a copula IVA windows a little clearer. I use it as a rover's head, even though the visibility isn't great. But I love your design so much Thank you again
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