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Posts posted by PringleMan

  1. 1 minute ago, Jebs_SY said:


    The correct way would have been to uninstall Karibou and MKS via CKAN and then refresh CKAN and install MKS. If you only deleted the Karibou folder then CKAN thinks, it is still installed cause CKAN has it's own registry (not the windows registry) for which mods are installed. When you switch CKAN to INSTALLED you didnt see the Karibou listed an can uninstall it?

    If you didn't see it, you can start from scratch by quitting CKAN, delete the registry.json out of the KSP\CKAN directory and ALSO delete all folders except SQUAD out of the gamedata folder.

    The good thing for you is, that when you reinstall all the mods via CKAN it will recognize, that the mod-installers are still in the KSP\CKAN\download folder and will use them.
    Just, if the mods got updated, it will DO download the newest version.

    That is what I am trying to avoid though, because at 50 KB/s that is going to take a LONG time to redownload all of them.

    However you have given me an idea, which is to erase the Karibou installation lines from the CKAN registry. Will let you know how it goes.

  2. Hey I cant find a good CKAN thread right now to post this but maybe someone here will know,

    So I am trying to update MKS using CKAN, but the last version I had was from before Karibou was integrated. Right now if I leave the Karibou folder in GameData, CKAN wont overwrite it because of its internal safeties, but if I delete Karibou and try to install MKS using CKAN, then I get an error for every part saying

    "UKS wishes to install GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/Karibou/Spaces/(part name).dds, but this file is registered to KaribouExpeditionRover"

    It sounds like it is holding on to some weird old data about the mod installation, and I am not sure how to fix it. I am somewhere that has really terrible internet (I am pulling 50 KB/s max right now) for like the next 5 months, so wiping all of my mods and starting over is not really a viable solution.

  3. Can I put in a request?

    Can you please make the included supplies tanks have a method of jettisoning mulch? I just hit 30 days in to a mission and had them all quit working because even though they had about 3.5k supplies left, the mulch filled up and I guess that made them turn into tourists.

    edit: For those concerned, I did jury rig a resource converter module with no output to solve the situation short term, I just was asking for a solution that wont get broken every update of USI LS :P

  4. Hi I don't know if this has been requested before, but would it be possible to add in a feature to re-arrange the order of precedence for ribbons while in game? I do not mean physically dragging and dropping, but maybe add an option to assign a number precedence.

    The reason I ask is because some of my kerbals are totally cluttered with all of the "has orbited Kerbin, has orbited the Mun, etc." I would still like to have those awarded, I just think they are a lower priority than something like the Wings or Space Wings for RP purposes.

  5. 1 minute ago, ShotgunNinja said:

    @PringleManConditions external to the probe determine if it has a link: distance, occlusion, other vessels relay state and the signal processing from the tech tree. So I guess there is nothing you can possibly do on the probe itself to regain control, as the antennas doesn't need to be extended to work.

    Ah well in that case everything is good to go.

  6. Hi, I was wondering if you could implement a slight change to the probe signal/remote control portion of it. Can you implement an idea from a recent re-pack of RT that allows you to always be able to control the antenna on a probe. This is not far off from real-life behavior of probes that will autonomously attempt to re-gain signal by re-positioning and re-purposing antennas. Full control of the probe is not necessary, but that one small change makes playing with signals much more fun.

  7. 13 hours ago, Seeker89 said:

    You might be able to make it with some MM commands. 



    PringleMan. so what you want is a shorter one, with a harder cap?

    Kind of. What I am trying to find is basically a disc that inflates outwards, and then you would just put a normal heat shield on the bottom. So the disk part would basically have the effect of extending the edges out from the classic heat shield at the very bottom, thus allowing you the same sort of shielding and slow-down capabilities without creating unnecessary height in the vessel. However when retracted the disk would be like any other in-line component, flush with the hull.

    Currently with the stock inflatable shield you either create a ship that is about 30% longer than it needs to be by mounting it below the capsule (and then decoupler + tank + engine) or you eliminate the chance to have a docking port on the nose by mounting the inflatable heat shield on the nose. I am just looking for a less-tall solution. Hell even a size mod of the stock inflatable would be fine if you just changed the vertical height without altering how far it extended out to the side. Would look a bit weird though.

  8. So, specifically in the second paragraph of my post I mentioned that I did not want to create unnecessarily tall craft. While the new inflatable heat shield does serve the basic purpose, it is so tall when building with it that it kinda ruins the aesthetic for me.

    Basically the vertical height of the inflatable heat shield is what bothers me. I am just looking for solutions that might make it less tall. An in-line cylinder-type inflatable with a regular heat shield on the bottom might be the solution. Or maybe not.



    In my mind, the height of my idea:


    The height of the stock one:


    I understand why Squad did theirs that way. I just want something smaller in height because I am picky like that :P

  9. Hi all,

    So similar things have been requested before, but I don't think it has been requested since the new aerodynamics have been implemented. As the title says, I am looking for an in-line inflatable heat shield. Something like what was in ADEPT/OLDD, but more streamlined. My thought was that you would have a sort of two-part inflatable. First an in-line of whatever size that held the inflatable bit, much like the inflatable inline floaties that have been around, but as a heatshield. Then you would cap the bottom of it with a regular heat shield.

    This arrangement would allow for a normal pod structure without having that huge inflatable heat shield on the nose or an overly tall craft unnecessarily. Attached is an *cough* artist rendering of what the system might look like.


    Ignore the height of the heat shield peak in the first phase, it is just meant to get the point across.

    Any thoughts? Ideas?

  10. 7 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

    I don't think it will work with any of KSPI-E part models, If 'm not mistaken needs to have a working engine module to work with USI Warp engine, perhaps it would work with the Interstellar Endurance ring, which also contains engines

    Hence why the thrust transform has to be added. But that involves getting the unity suite installed and the KSP tools installed a whole lot of stuff that I dont have the experience for.

  11. I have a question. Can someone help me add the USI Warp Drive functionality to the transformable warp ring from Kerbal Interstellar? The one in question was made by ZZZ and is open use, so it should be permissible. Basically I think it just needs to have a thrust transform added to it, but that is beyond what I know in terms of editing. The wiki page from KSPI with the reference is located here https://github.com/FractalUK/KSPInterstellar/wiki/Alcubierre-Drive

  12. I would land in the ocean!

    We say that rain forests are the most bio-diverse, and they very well may be. However we also have a pitifully small sample of the ocean and the ocean floor.

    Really though, my choice would be logistical. Even from what we ourselves know, you can get a good sampling of various branches in pretty much every kingdom, and the logistics of landing in water are much easier to contend with than the possibility of aiming to land in a flat tundra and ending up hitting a mountainous forest.

  13. btw, we have to speak not only about solar panels and RTGs, but others things too

    for example in current game i can create "Wunderwaffe" interplanetary station, carrying onboard all available science devices... but there are not such machines in real life. With incompability we could restrict carry all science onboard simultaneously

    Again, just don't put them all on the craft. In the case of kerbal, really there are only a handful of science experiments in the first place, several of them about as complex as a tube filled with stuff stuck on the side of the craft. If we had so few experiments that were so light, we probably would cram all of them on to a ship and send them off.

    We don't do that in real life because science experiments don't work like that in real life. In the real world, science experiments can weigh almost a full ton to investigate a single idea, and trying to quantify the number of science experiments that could be run in real life is like trying to throw a dart at a dart board with the accurate number of grains of sand on the beach while blindfolded. Just...not possible. So many variables, ways to test, and things we don't even know you can test for yet.

    What I WOULD like to see is a progression on the tech tree that improves the transmit value of science as you get higher. Perhaps increasing the transmit multiplier conditional on if you have processed it in a lab. A trained scientist in space can write a report and include photos of an experiment just as well as a trained scientist on the ground can. And while early on I would justify not having good SSTV or digital signals for data transmission, thus denying the ability to really send files and requiring a verbal description of the samples, later on in the tech tree it just doesn't make sense.

  14. It is an interesting idea, but I am not sure why we would do this rather than just not put the parts on...

    One problem is that there are no stock fuel cells. Mercury and early Gemini were battery powered, but later Gemini missions and Apollo were powered by fuel cells that slowly combined hydrogen and oxygen to produce power and water. As well, the lunar lander starting with Apollo 12 and later actually carried an RTG.

    Indeed, fuel cells and RTGs are somewhat easier than solar cells in terms of power generation.

    Anyways, an easy way to make it more difficult would be to just move the parts to a higher tech node, to sort of force you not to use them until later on. Probably easier than making a module manager hook for incompatibility.

  15. The best that I would recommend is what MeCripp said. Taurus HCV is a wonderful pack that has a large capacity cockpit. Edit the CFG to rescale it to the right size and then turn down the number of kerbals it can fit. I am sure that there are other high capacity capsules out there, but I like good ole Taurus

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