Hello there, I'm comin back again with my Ubuntu 14.04LTS issues... This time it's about the LC_ALL=C fix that seems to not work anymore. I use to launch KSP with a little bash file in order to change the cwd to KSP's folder (for the atmospheric and reentry effects) and to set the LC_ALL env variable. Here is my script : Since last sunday, the graphics settings are systematically reset after each KSP reboot (and the sent data confidentiality dialog too, off course) , as if the LC_ALL=C fix was not working anymore (I should remind that I'm using a french desktop). This happened after an ubuntu update if I can remember (but I'm not 100% sure). So if somedy has encountered the same problem and would share some advices, it will be greatly appreciated And while i'm on that, are the __GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS=1 and LD_PRELOAD="libpthread.so.0 libGL.so.1" variable definition still necessary for KSP 1.0.4?? Thanks for all (welcome) help. [Edited] My OS is Ubuntu 14.04, GTX 760 with Nvidia drivers v355.11, libc is v2.19 (if that could help).