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Everything posted by JMS1959

  1. Thanks for all the replies The problem still persists however, though I haven't yet tried deleting MJ settings or restoring it to the factory settings. The ship that is doing the docking will get to within 1 metre of the target vessel and then the RCS thrusters will alternatively fire towards and away from the target, and in the meantime the axis will slowly drift off-centre. The only way I can get them to dock is by turning off MJ and nudging the ship forward myself.
  2. I moved the docking ports further apart on both vessels but they still stop a metre or two from docking. The bounding boxes stop right on the forward edge of the docking ports to that isn't a problem. I did find (in a test) that if I undock the two vessels and move one away from the other but keep them both pointing at each other they will dock normally, but if I turn the vessel that is performing the docking, it will not dock, again stopping just a metre or two away. At that point, the docking ports start to slowly move off-centre.
  3. Will move the docking ports further from the vessels, thank you
  4. Recently MechJeb has been unable to dock successfully. Instead, it will get almost to the docking port and then just stops, leaving the thrusters alternatively pushing the ship forwards and backwards whilst the target port goes further off-axis. This has only started happening recently, so I replaced MechJeb with the latest version but still no joy. Any ideas?
  5. I use MJ mostly for docking, just waiting for the new version to come out that's compatible with the latest KSP.
  6. Ah, thanks sal_vager, just saved me from losing all my mining stuff and 'biological satellites'
  7. Doesn't that mean having to start again from the very beginning?
  8. Part way through going into orbit, the icon showing where my ship was in Orbit Map suddenly disappeared. I restarted the game but that didn't help, and neither did reinstalling (over the existing version but replacing files). Anyone else had this or can help? Am running
  9. Am on 1.04.861, I'll get the new version and see if that helps, thank you
  10. I've not played KSP for a few months, so a few days ago I restarted Science mode from scratch. I've been going to the Mun a few times now to gain more science points, but have experienced some odd occurrences :- When orbiting the Mun, the craft has sometimes exploded for no apparent reason, even though it was several thousand Km above the surface. When returning to Kerbin, the craft has exploded due to overheating even though it was well above the atmosphere (no glowing flames or etc). After exploding above Kerbin and pressing F9 to return to an quicksaved place, it returned me to Mun orbit (as I'd expected), but the craft immediately exploded due to overheating.... Any ideas?
  11. The only 'mod' I'm using is MechJeb, but I suppose this is still the correct forum to post on.... I've not played KSP for a few months, and started the Science mode from scratch. I've been going to the Mun a few times now to gain more science points, but have experienced some odd occurrences :- When orbiting the Mun, the craft has sometimes exploded for no apparent reason, even though it was several thousand Km above the surface. When returning to Kerbin, the craft has exploded due to overheating even though it was well above the atmosphere (no glowing flames or etc). After exploding above Kerbin and pressing F9 to return to an quicksaved place, it returned me to Mun orbit (as I'd expected), but the craft immediately exploded due to overheating.... Any help?
  12. Hi all Started playing KSP a while back after hearing it mentioned a few times on Astronomy Cast, and since then have got a couple of friends interested in the game too. I'm playing both the Career and Science games depending on my mood when I start (usually Science) and have got a few things right - manned (kerballed?) landings on the Mun and Minmus plus a probe going to Duna which will afterwards land on Ike. And now I've stopped lurking on the forum
  13. Thank you Claw, that worked a treat And thank you for the welcome Evanitis
  14. They don't need rescuing as such, they're both on extended missions (and have enough fuel left to get back to Kerbin when the missions are over), just wondered if there was a way to get more applicants... I'm playing the Science game so costs aren't a problem.
  15. How do I increase the number of Applicants? I have 2 scientists on long-term missions on the Mun and Minmus, and all I have left are pilots and engineers so some more Scientist applicants would be good right now.
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