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  1. I would actually recommend 7zip as it is open source and supports more zip types
  2. By default, Telemachus broadcasts on all available interfaces, shown in the Telemachus/Plugins/PluginData/Telemachus/config.xml file. However, your computer's firewall may be blocking other devices from your network from viewing the data. Also, make sure that you're using the correct address to connect ([localIPAddress]:[Port]), where [localIPAddress] is the address of the computer running Kerbal, and [Port] is the port number set in config.xml (by default this is 8085). https://github.com/richardbunt/Telemachus/wiki/Configuration-File
  3. Hi Rich, having a little problem with the websocket. I've connected successfully and I've sent this as my request: {"+":["v.[SIZE=2]missionTime​","v.na[/SIZE]me"]} However, the reply I get from the server looks like this: {:0,"v.missionTime":"probeStackLarge (Test Rocket)"} For some reason, there's this ":0" element at the start of the JSON and it seems to be throwing off my program and Chrome returns a SyntaxError. Is this a problem with my request, or is it something caused by Telemachus? Thanks for the mod by the way, it's so handy!
  4. Does the git version require the JSI utilities to work properly? EDIT: Ignore me, I forgot to install RPM.
  5. As Ascension Islander said, the 2.5m CKAN download has the 1.25m trunk. When I saw it in the editor, I had a Father Ted-style moment! These are small, the ones out there are far away...
  6. I'll give the latest version a try, and will report back
  7. Wow! This is a fantastic looking pod. If you weren't already aware though, you've got some internal polygons (from the draco engines) which is slowing down the game a little. Also, due to how subtle the window recess is, is it worth using a bumpmap to model this rather than more vertices? I don't know if it would look worse or not, and I don't really know how much of a performance improvement it would lead to. Sorry if I came across negative, I really love the design of the capsule!
  8. Hi, I receive an out of memory issue when running the basic version from a CKAN install. KSP 0.90 32-bit (latest release), Windows 8.1 (64-bit OS) 8GB RAM Output_log.txt: http://pastebin.com/DV1Tf2wR
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