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Everything posted by Telesto

  1. Hi all, I've not played Kerbal for about 4months. One thing that I found annoying was not being able to save the game properly. Specifically :- Not being able to revert back to launch after a save. Quick-saves are just a 1 shot deal (removing the previous quick-save and also remove the revert option. NOT BEING ABLE to simply press <esc> and do a simple, permanent save whenever I like. Has any of this been fixed? or is there a mod that would allow me to save the game properly? Thanks
  2. peri? apoapsis Have you managed to accomplish this on the Mun tutorial pt.2 without running out of fuel?
  3. Are you suggesting that prior to re-entry I "dip into" Kerbins atmosphere on an elliptical orbit at a periapsis of 30-40km over a number of orbits then just before my orbit becomes a terminal decline I then adjust my final re-entry to coincide with the exact thickness of atmosphere that I land safely back at the KSC? WOW! I've never managed to recover a craft back into stable orbit after hitting Kerbins atmosphere. If I get below 60km its the ground or bust (or the mountains or the sea) Addendum I've never persevered with trying to land in a specific place on Kerbin as the fuel required to do so after a mission (to enable a stable Kerbin orbit and subsequent controlled landing) is huge in comparison to just landing "wherever". I even put a space station into Geostationary orbit to try to do this but again the uncertainty of the atmosphere and fuel costs to use it as a pre-landing stop-off were HUGE. I do like your idea of coming in and using the crater as a marker though. With practice (as you say) and managing to avoid the Westerly mountains and the sea to the East could be a good marker. It's very tough to estimate the rotation of Kerbin on the long return journey to time it right though.
  4. I just bought the game via Steam after getting pretty far on the V0.9 Career mode. So I'm starting again from scratch. I'm having trouble completing the above tutorial and attempting to land near the KSC without running out of fuel. I'm finding it tricky to get the balance between controlling my landing point and managing fuel in contrast to just dropping randomly straight through the atmosphere at 90degrees to save fuel. Has anyone found a way to complete this tutorial with a controlled, repeatable descent to the KSC without running out of fuel?
  5. Thanks all - I'll mark this thread as "Answered"?
  6. Since I installed 0.9 in order to install the KerbalEngineer add-on----- The [Esc] key doesn't work in flight. I can't exit from the mission. Am I alone with this problem? Anyone know how to fix it? Or a workaround so I can get to the menu? Somehow my [pause] keybinding got messed up -sorted now
  7. Telesto

    Hi all

    Brilliant. Thanks.
  8. Telesto

    Hi all

    Loving Kerbal - I hope this post works. My 1st post mentioned "will be posted after ok'd by a moderator" (or something like that) - It now seems to have disappeared into the ether Addendum - My 1st post is now visible although there does seem to be a problem with my screenshot. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/113652-Contract-Explore-the-mun
  9. My 1st post - Hi all! https://www.dropbox.com/s/ejci80tmhpn2u5o/screenshot0.png?dl=0 How does the game work out what you get for contracts? It says the value on completion is 105,000 There are also a few sub-missions worth about 15,000 each (orbit mun, land on mun...) - do you get those in addition to the 105,000? Are all the contracts fixed or can I wait for a more lucrative "explore the mun" contract? Addendum - I can't seem to insert a screenshot (is there any way I can just drag and drop a screenshot into my message?)
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