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Everything posted by Squiggsy

  1. yup that was where I started, I found it amazingly useful for information about modelling/texturing/part development but not so much for the code side of things, I have now found a video tutorial that seems pretty good so hopefully I can get started and learn enough to get this done edit: nope that tutorial was very out of date and didn't cover what I need anyway, ahh well.
  2. This looks like a brilliant mod and exactly what I'm looking for for a few parts that I am currently developing for a mod, basically I just want a few generators to consume a custom resource while not being focused on, I have 0 experience with plugin coding, I am starting to look at some C# tutorials but i was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of some good ksp specifics, or unity specifics, or tell me roughly what is required for me to go about achieving this because I'm pretty clueless at present! thanks!
  3. Took a little lithium powered probe to minmus to test how balanced it was/ see what drain rates of plutonium_238 were like for the new ASRG. I'm really happy with how it looks! everything definitely needs some balancing still, the lil 62.5cm LiLFA gives some incredible acceleration in a tiny probe like that, although it does drain the electric charge pretty quickly! still needs slightly more energy input and i think needs to weigh more too. I'm please with how all the parts look together though!
  4. yes! thank you so much I was looking for that yesterday for ages and I couldn't remember what it was called and failed completely at finding it, will still need to do a bit of coding but this will make it a whole lot more manageable. although looking at it im not 100% sure it will work since it says but it does go on to say so i'm sure it's workable for my needs.edit: actually yes i wasn't thinking properly (its still early here) just the fact that it will consume a resource in the background is enough that it will be spot on what i'm looking for thanks again!
  5. ah thanks man that really means a lot! In that case....: sneak peek at the Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator I'm working on, and its housing (for nice inline storage) just finished the model last night, unwrapped it this morning and am going to texture it today and depending on how long it takes tomorrow as well. this thing should produce about 4-6x the energy of an RTG but weigh a lot more and possibly consume a resource if i can get it to consume it while away from the ship, will enable you to power a LiLFA at very low throttle consistantly while a long way from the sun without the huge weight of a tokamak fusion generator ( andsince i wont be making a 62.5cm or 1.25m version of those because that would just be OP, these will be useful for probes) based on this image of the intended design of the real life ASRG:
  6. changed it to make it look more like the image i am basing it off from the firing photos: done with particle FX for today, aside from maybe reducing the pink and increasing the red, and reducing the overall size of the pink/red bit. Starting work on ASRG model now, already making good progress liking how it's turning out sorry i am updating this for every little thing! just want to document my progress so i can see how much has been done to motivate me if i start to go "i just can't be bothered" which i have a habit of doing, but i refuse to for this project.
  7. thanks now to figure out what in the world i'm doing wrong with the heat emissives, im so sure i've got everything spot on, emissives have never given me too much grief before (although i've never done any for engines) but they just don't seem to want to play ball. I should also mention that although all these images are of it flying in the atmosphere that's only because they are set up like this for testing currently, pretty sure in the release they will be terrible in atmosphere
  8. got it fully working now might have to swap out the texture because i think the slight blockiness on the edges is caused by the texture being cut off by the edges of the canvas in photoshop, but happy with the colours and intensity/size of the flame now, might tweak it slightly (might make 2 fx, one intense orange/white right at the engine then make the red/pink a much fainter/more translucent glow) but it's pretty much there, so happy, it's taken me hours of frustration and then suddenly it all just came together
  9. yeah i bet, nice to see Squad recognising good modders and incorporating their work i have to say thank you! UPDATE: I have got particle effects partially working, they still remain pointing downwards when the ship turns though haven't quite figured out why, attempted to make it look as much like the real thing in the LiLFA firing photos but Imgur is giving me an error on every picture i try to upload so I can't update the album yet
  10. right so I have worked through most problems with this but now the particle FX for the engine I'm making always point downwards, any idea as to why this is? can't find anything in the config that changes this I just assumed it would always point in a direction relative to the ship...
  11. if I can just point people this-a-way http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/115898-emissive-problems-in-unity-ModuleAnimateHeat-not-working, I have no idea what is going on here I'm sure these emissives should be working but they just don't seem to want to..
  12. oh yeah and i didn't register the username earlier but RoverDude you do awesome stuff and congrats on your SRB model being included in 1.0 stock, read it in the devnote tuesdays on tumblr the other day
  13. ok so there is definitely something wrong here and I cannot for the life of me figure it out, decided to try with FXModuleAnimateThrottle instead to see if it was something wrong with my code for ModuleAnimateHeat but it still has the same problem, the animation doesnt play, it is just permanently on whatever frame it was on when I write the model and textures in parttools :\ I have tried every combination I can possibly think off and just always get the same result
  14. oh cool, to be honest i just did a quick mental calculation and it seemed quite off, but I may have been the one who was quite off, as I said I need to sit down and have a proper look through balancing everything soon anyway, see how much should fit into each tank and how much in the engines (since they have some limited storage in the upper section) and work out definite thrust values that are realistic enough but still workable within the game. and I thought there must be someone who had at least started on making one since they are a brilliant concept, have you done a ASRG as well? Haven't seen one around but it interested me, mostly because I wanted to make radioisotopic generator that actually used some resource since the idea of endless free energy doesnt sit well with me really
  15. Hi all I am having problems with emissives for some engines I am making, I have never had any problems with emissives before but have never done them for an engine/ ones that are triggered by a module before so I am probably just going wrong somewhere down the line and haven't realised, although I have revisited CardBoardBoxProcessor's tutorial, followed it step by step, and still come out with the same result, basically the problem is that the engine emissive is always at the frame that the animation is on when it is written in unity, so if it's at the start of the animation then nothing appears, if it's at the end its always at its most intense glow, this is with "always animate" unticked and the animation on the root GameObject at the top of the hierarchy. this is what my unity screen looks like: and this is what my config looks like: if anyone has any ideas I would be so very grateful I have put off posting on here and tried multiple times to find the solution to this myself but after countless combinations of different attempts at fixes I am no closer to finding the solution :\
  16. I must admit I don't actually know if it is used I just keep seeing python mentioned both in the forum and around things to do with unity so I assumed, as soon as I saw your post i looked it up and I can't actually find any evidence to support my assumption and the more i look into it the more it seems like you are indeed correct and its C#. this is the extent of my lack of knowledge on the subject right now haha
  17. thanks for the support! I think the plan at the moment is to get all the parts done to a level I am happy with, do a parts pack release and then look into plugins for things like using the ASRG's plutonium or the Tokamaks deuterium/tritium while away from the ship for a later update since i have never coded with python before and haven't coded at all in a decent while.
  18. thank you! means a lot ohhh really? but does CRP allow you to have the same resource with different densities? I just found that KSPI's Lithium was amazingly heavy, although it doesnt really make much difference since once thrust and ISP are set the fuel usage will vary with resource density accordingly i suppose. It's going to take me a while to ballance everything properly though so i should make a decision on resource now and stick to it i guess
  19. Hi all, I am relatively new to modding but have been getting stuck in an making models and re-learning photoshop for textures, I have only been doing this for less than a month but have decided to start a slow process of developing a set of LiLFA's and some bonus energy generation items which will be necessary to reliably power them. To start with here is a link to a bit of information about LiLFA's in real life, they are essentially a Magnetoplasmadynamic thruster which uses vaporised liquid Lithium as a propellant, they provide a LOT more thrust than an Ion thruster but at the cost of a huge amount more energy usage, and a very slightly lower specific impulse (4077) Here are my current parts. they run off (and store) the resource LiquidLithium (had to rename to remove conflict with KSPI's Lithium resource) and ElectricCharge. There are two identical but resized Lithium storage tanks (I may or may not make them different for different size I have not yet decided) and a 1.25m and 0.625m engine (I think the 1.25m model will be final probably but i will improve on the texture, i think im going to alter both the model and texture of the 0.625m with time) the things I need to do with these models are: improve textures and normals add custom particle FX - complete! add fairing for 1.25m engine - complete! add emissives (didn't work on the 0.625 for some reason even though I've never had trouble with it before, need to go back and look where I have gone wrong) other things I need to do overall: add Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator (ASRG) - complete! look at how to make resources continue to deplete while away from ship possibly add a Tokamak fusion generator 2.5m and 3.75m LiLFA's maybe add some concentrating solar panel arrays, bulkier, thicker, heavier, but produce a lot more energy balancing the engines to make them fit their real life specs with respect to the kerbal universe (scaled at the same proportions of real life ion thruster- ingame ion thruster, and then altered a bit because if I did this they would be OP and require a silly amount of power) Since this is my first time doing something like this is am all ears to suggestions and advice, things might change around quite a lot and there are a few things I am toying with the idea of doing which might require me to delve into plugin making, I also am open to advice about integration with other common mods (especially tech tree integration mods) because I have no idea about how to do such a thing.
  20. thanks again! had to go into Blender and remove the texture then re-add it and re-import, think blender had put two versions of the same texture on it for some reason 0.o, seriously you are an absolute star though I was at a loss and about to give up
  21. thank you so much, it's odd because I'm sure I tried that earlier and it didn't seem to work, seriously you savior, and yes I wasn't sure whether I should put it there or not but since it wasn't to do with actual model creation software like blender i decided to put it here, you are probably right though. thanks again, although now I have another problem that probably should be moved to Modelling and Texturing, two materials are being generated in unity for the same object, each one seems to only be texturing half of the object even though in blender its all one piece and all one UV map, and Part Tools is only exporting one of the materials so the other half of the object ends up untextured in KSP even though it shows as being textured in both blender and unity... I have honestly never had so many issues creating a part before it has just been one stress after another today!
  22. Hey all, for some reason no matter what I do when I try to add rotation to a game object now nothing happens, it doesnt rotate, it just stays where it is, although sometimes the Z position changes to "-2.544824e-08", if I try to manually rotate it then for one thing it is near enough impossible to get it to exactly the right facing, and even if I do then once i click off of it it resets back to the world positioning, I have NO IDEA what is going on because it worked absolutely fine before, it just has suddenly started doing this and it is driving me a wee bit nuts because without managing to get Z axis facing downwards I am essentially unable to make a thrustTransform point and therefore unable to make an engine, and I have spent the last few days working on this and it seems like such a silly little thing to make me unable to finish it off
  23. So I'm not sure if this is still a thing (i'm using 0.25 still) but found that the S3 hypersonic front sections won't allow the option of "take data", just had to install ship manifest and use KAS to transfer science from a vessel that couldn't land to another one instead of just taking the pilot out, taking the data and flying him across to the other ship and boarding, other than that little panic attack though this is by far my favorite parts pack and has made making spaceplanes actually enjoyable for me
  24. Yeah I'm not sure what's going on, Infernal Robots straight up refuses to work, I wanted to get EVE to work but my game just force quits on start up when i try to get it running (works no problems on 0.25, and after getting used to clouds it just doesnt feel right without them any more) KSPI + extended I get all sorts of problems with resources not showing up and with items that do appear in VAB growing larger and dissapearing when i mouse-over them, and I had crashes every 20-30 mins even with active texture management, and ended up with a game breaking glitch where whenever i changed to control a different craft they got attacked by a very sudden, very violent kraken (not a clue what caused this but it infurated me to the point that i just refused to go back to it to find out). have none of these problems on 0.25 with pretty much the same mods and i'm pretty stuck into my current game by now so i think im going to keep myself entertained with this until 1.0 is released, then i'll transfer start afresh there once some of my favorite mods (kspi included hopefully) get compatability confirmed
  25. nope im using this version on 0.25 because i cant get the 0.90 port to work, just glitches like mad, and actually there are just so many more compatible mods for 0.25 i habe preferred switching back immensely. On another note though my B9 sabre intercooler always says "offline" anyone know what thatsa about? Does it work with radial intakes or not?
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