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Posts posted by Findthepin1

  1. What's inside that GameData 2 folder? There may be components in there that need to move up to your regular GameData folder.

    GameData 2 contains:





    OPM (folder)

    By the way this is all on KSP 1.0.4 on a Mac.


    - - - Updated - - -

    Also, there appears to be a Mohole on Nissee.

  2. I used a calculator at astro.twam.info/hz/. I put Kerbol's parameters into it from the wiki information (5840 K, 5.67E24 watts luminosity, 9.148 Jupiter masses). According to this, Kerbol's habitable zone is like this:

    Approximate inner habitable zone limit: 0.085 AU

    Approximate outer habitable zone limit: 0.217 AU

    This means Eve, at 0.0657 AU, isn't a stable environment. While the majority of the planet can support liquid water, there are areas on the equator that go slightly above the boiling temperature of water at periapsis. Based on this climate graph of Eve, this area is always under 1km elevation at the equator, or 500 meters elevation at 10 degrees north or south. If Eve's oceans are water, there might be transient boiling of the oceans a couple weeks a year in this area. This would add to the greenhouse effect and widen the area, starting a small but accelerating positive feedback effect that evaporates the oceans and thickens the atmosphere and Eve ends up more like a super-Venus. If 35% of Eve's surface (my guess) is ocean averaging 3 kilometres deep (again my guess) gives me 6468000 cubic kilometres of water, which weighs 6.468E18 kg. Based on Eve's atmospheric mass and pressure, the extra gas would increase the surface pressure to 170.2 atm. That's it for anything on Eve, then. :D

    Kerbin is within the habitable zone, at 0.091 AU from Kerbol. It's fine, although it's quite near the inner edge.

    Surprisingly, Duna is closer to the centre of the habitable zone than Kerbin is. Duna is at 0.138 AU.

    Dres dips almost to the outer edge of the habitable zone, with a periapsis of 0.233 AU.

    Moho, Jool and Eeloo are far from the habitable zone. By the way, this means we may or may not need another explanation for Laythe's anomalously high temperature.

  3. Even if it is easier to reach Minmus than the Moon, I think that we still would have gone to the Moon. The Moon is a big rock in the sky and Minmus is a little green dot. People would consider the Moon a much more significant object for this reason, and reaching Minmus wouldn't really make people awed because we can't easily see the place with the event.

  4. So after downloading, i go to my space center and instead there is just blackness... and when i warp in the SC all the stars show up and no ground, buildings, etc. This issue happens regardless of other installed mods.

    Here is a pic:

    also this does not happen with other planet packs installed


    EDIT: never mind guys, I got it to work :D:D:D:)

    Another Edit: Ok, now I'm am trying to download it again, followed all the steps and still get the same issue

    This is identical to what is happening in my save. I don't know how to fix it.

  5. I have installed this mod. I also have HyperEdit and TextureReplacer. The game loads fine, and every time it loads a thing pops up that says ModuleManager has made 28 patches or something. I can go into one of my save files and it'll show me a view of space instead of the KSC. Sometimes the Mun is in the picture, sometimes Minmus, sometimes the sun. The image is very slowly rotating around an axis that is behind the camera. Half the time, the skybox disappears and the background is completely black. HyperEdit says in its Planet Editor that Sarnus, Urlum, Neidon, and Plock exist, but that none of their moons exist, and I can't go to the Tracking Center to confirm this because as I said I can't see the KSC from the KSC. What did I do wrong?

    My GameData folder looks like:

    GameData 2











    "GameData 2" is the folder that I was given when I extracted the OPM zip file. What did I do wrong?

  6. I sent a rover to Laythe once. I called it the Laythe Nacho. It had four extra tiny wheels that didn't touch the ground and weighed it down. I noticed this intriguing design feature during parachute descent into the central basin of what I know only as Dansen Island (named by Brotoro in his Long-Term Laythe Series). That's the furthest I've been from the centre of the solar system, genuinely. Adding the word "genuinely" to the previous sentence is necessary because I also sent a kerbal to Bop using cheats, that was the mission that found the [REDACTED], and Bop technically gets further from the sun than Laythe.

    P.S. I think the [REDACTED] on Bop originally came from Laythe. It was probably thrown off the moon by a volcanic eruption or a large impact, and ended up on Bop.

  7. If you could redesign/improve the Kerbol System, what would you do?

    If I was asked this question, I'd probably say something along the lines of I think Laythe should look like this


    And that Eve should have a tall, continuous Iapetus-like equatorial ridge, and liquid water at high latitudes.

    And that Vall and Minmus should look more like real icy objects (i.e. white, not blue), something like Eeloo.

    And that Eve should have oxygen, though barely enough to fly planes at low altitudes.

    And that Duna should have little lakes at the lowest altitudes.

    And that Eve should have global low-lying purple thunderstorm clouds, and sparse high-altitude white cirrus clouds.

    And that Kerbin, Laythe, and Duna should have regular clouds.

    And that Jool, Eve, Kerbin, Laythe, and Duna should have weather (i.e. lightning (except on Duna), rain (purple on Eve), etc.)

    And that Kerbol should have solar flares.

    There's probably more, but I can't think of any right now. Maybe a modder out of ideas will like these ideas, I say they can use my ideas.

    What would the KSP Universe be like if you had created it?

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