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Everything posted by Vivero

  1. I get the same exact error as in the original post, with KSP 1.4.1 / Unity 2017.1.3p1 / PartTools for KSP 1.4.1. I cannot import a custom font that I've created with the TextMesh Pro from the Unity Asset Store. I understand there's a difference between the TMPro from the Asset Store and the TMPro embedded in KSP's Assembly-CSharp. But is there really no workaround for this yet?
  2. As promised, I've put together a prototype C++ client. See my github repo for more info: https://github.com/Vivero/KNav The repo includes a general purpose interface library I've named KRPCI, which interacts with the RPC server (I haven't implemented any support for the stream server yet). I then wrote a tool which queries the SpaceCenter service (or any service, for that matter), and generates a header and source file for an auto-generated class, which implements all the procedures/enums/classes provided by that service. Using this tool, I create the KRPCI_SpaceCenter library, which -- as you may have guessed -- provides function calls to all the procedures provided by the SpaceCenter service. Finally, as a use-case example, I created KNav, a small auto-pilot program which currently only has one function: it maintains your craft in a fixed-altitude hover. I'm looking forward to expanding its capabilities. Especially with the new Parts API you've added on! This code is very very new, and I haven't tested a lot of things. Currently it only runs and compiles on Windows. Hopefully any other developers looking to implement their own C++ autopilot programs can take advantage of this code.
  3. Great mod! I'm currently tinkering with writing a C++ client for this. I should have something to show for it soon! I was wondering if it is at all possible to issue Control commands to non-active, nearby vessels? i.e. by first obtaining a list of Vessels, then pick a vessel that is not the active vessel, send it pitch/yaw/roll/throttle commands to it? Will the vessel react to these commands?
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