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Everything posted by Skyer

  1. Sorry for this noobnes but i startet making a mod 2 weeks ago i now want to release i made it for 1.1 and i don't know how to update it to 1.2. thanks in advance
  2. will be soon scroll a bit down you will se bd mod directory Edit: ok just saw after 1.2 release
  3. it is maximum i just herpa derpt in my brain and wrote minimum
  4. BTW i don't understand why the min takeoff speed is 150 m/s thats is 550 km/h most jets takeoff at 320 km/h so around 100 m/s
  5. i yesterday saw this thread and thouth: Chalenge Acceptet http://imgur.com/a/OVJ15 http://imgur.com/a/XKCsF ALT 10k Top Speed With Aftburner: Mach 2.7 Top speed not afterburning: Mach 1.5 ALT less than 5k Top Speed With Aftburner: Mach 2.5 Top speed not afterburning: Mach 1.3 max pull 33g even at MACH 2 in alt less than 6k also able to pull The Cobra above 6k about 9g it has 3 gatlings with 650 rounds of ammo 16 hardpoins of which 3 can be used for drop tanks. Each droptank caries 150 fuel units so in all droptanks 450 fuel units. mods: FAR, BDarmory, B9 aerospace(For Intakes and fueselage), Tweakscale, Aviation Cockpits
  6. after REading the last few pages i still don't understand does it work for 1.1.3 or not becouse it did't for me?
  7. I don't realy understand 1 thing if the mod is representing as acurate as posible why does the German 151 20mm cannon has the least damage of the 20 mm guns? The German 20s were knnow for there extreme high explosive mineshells so i does not make sens to me why is the shorter less damage then the long one and why does it have less damage? becouse why should HE grenades do less damage with less speed becouse of the shorter barrel? Also the 151 has A little bit faster rate of fire then the hispano i say the hispano is more acurate but it has API ammo NOT HEI (M) Is there British BIAS or what? Where is the MG 17 7.92? German And Russian bombs???? German Rockets? The 73mm rockets on the F2 and 210 mm rockets on fw's and BF 109 G-K Russian RS 83 and RS 132 rockets?
  8. Can u add Cannonshell ammo boxes at somepoint i did them for myself taking and coping th e50cal box put 10 canon shels in but its bul.... then updates ^^
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