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Everything posted by Djslime6764

  1. Believe in the force..... +1 Join The Light Side my Padawans
  2. 9/10 for accomplishments, although not much else.
  3. 655.: A response has come with a mission for the kerbal to begin the journey to explore The Universe.
  4. Floor 1280. You see a magical Rocket....Then you See it is actually a chicken fused kerbal.
  5. You have 36 posts. Take Away Six= 3 sides= Triangle PLUS there is a six and three... Three 6's= cubinator is illumanti confirmed.
  6. BECOMING A TELEMETRY OFFICER?? how dare you not be a Space Officer. YOU Cheater
  7. Granted. But Modders begin Making Statements against 32-bit because it messes up their SUPER DUPER COOL MODZ. I wish that i Can have faster computer
  8. I claim the Kerbol System....... I have built an entire Fleet of Fighters and Frigates etc. using B9 and LLL etc.
  9. Banned for Being inside a rescue plane
  10. Tanks huh? - - - Updated - - - A warship to even it off
  11. nope the user below is going to answer on 7/5/15
  12. i have bd and mechjeb to but i have remotetech
  13. Banned for being a circumnavigator of MOHO
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