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Everything posted by Schanez

  1. I've been playing KSP for... A long time and never had anything sink. Like full rockets returning from orbits and what else. Never did they go below the normal splash down. Seems one learns something new every day.
  2. So this happened to me recently... Totally on accident, I promise.
  3. Right, I was already told on another mod thread and only just now realized it's from the same author. So hats down for this man. As I posted there, I didn't want to sound rude or anything. Just that I am not actively following the game's version so wasn't sure when/if the mods are still developed, so it was more a question if it still is, whether when it will be updated.
  4. Oh, sorry if it sounded like whining or something the like. I was merely curious if it's still being worked on, aka if the author is still actively supporting the mod and all. I am quite new to the modding of KSP, so I have no clues of when the game updates came out, or which mods are still developed. Only recently did I discover the whole new parts and expanded Science Tree. PS. Keep up the good work guys. You make a great game into a glorious one ^.^
  5. So to be as blunt and straightforward as possible... I need to instal CTT BEFORE NF pack and it will be enought? Everything else is already included in the downloads of NF?
  6. I am just returning to KSP after a longer break and thankfully my favourite mod is still here, perfectly fine ^.^ As I am not a modding savant of any sorts, can someone tell me, what exactly is required? The Installation part mentions Community Tech Tree as requirement, but there is a part in the Redmee file that states Dependencies and lists what I assume to be some other mods, those being B9PartSwitch, Community Resource Pack, ModuleManager and Optional - Community Tech Tree. At first I thought those might be known conflicts with other mods, but that Tech Tree got me puzzled. Can someone shed some light on it? Do I need all those listed installed before the NF pack?
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