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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Yes, its very weird. It almost like it depends on the ship setup. Made a new rocket with KW parts and the stock panel now returns proper stage and ship values but the kOS return values for SHIP:LIQUIDFUEL and STAGE:LIQUIDFUEL on the launch pad both return SHIP:LIQUIDFUEL but once launched the return values switch to the proper values. So the old rocket setup was bugged but this new rocket setup is working...once launched. SET maxT to MAXTHRUST. //remember max thrust for staging. //program foo. IF MAXTHRUST < maxT { LOCK throttle to 0. //Prepare to stage. WAIT 3. STAGE. SET maxT to MAXTHRUST. //Re-initalize maxT. WAIT 2. //Wait for stage seperation. LOCK throttle to 1. } Doesn't that cause it to stage if you shut off your engine? Ex. coasting to ap. I just took a more manual approach and grabbed the amount from the part itself and controlled staging this way. I like to work in "chunks" or modes so turning off thrust to stage won't work for me. This is what I got so far...still testing it tho. // Requires you to kOS tag fuel tanks with "fuel tank". Test script for staging multiple types of engines/boosters and fuels CLEARSCREEN. SET mode to 1. SET amt to 0. until mode = 0 { if mode = 1 { SET ftank to SHIP:PARTSTAGGED("fuel tank")[1]. SAS ON. STAGE. SET mode to 2. } else if mode = 2 { when amt < 1 then { SET mode to 3. STAGE. } } else if mode = 3 { SET ftank to SHIP:PARTSTAGGED("fuel tank")[0]. when amt < 1 then { SET mode to 4. STAGE. } } SET amt to ftank:resources[0]:amount. PRINT "MODE : " + mode + " " at (1,11). PRINT "Fuel remaining: " + round(amt) + " " at (1,12). }
  2. The panel shows the same value. Same values are displayed also when I check "stage only" box.
  3. Kerbin...we have a problem. Is kOS compatible with KWRocketry? SHIP:LIQUIDFUEL and STAGE:LIQUIDFUEL return the same values. This seems to only happen with my rocket that is made with all KWRocketry parts. Stock parts will return their proper values. Should I be posting this in KWRocketry forum? They return the proper values when its on the launch pad but as soon as the stage kicks in (after boosters) they will both return SHIP:LIQUIDFUEL...
  4. Thanks for the mod. This fixed my problem on win8.1. hotkey would be great =D Why oh why squad didn't you implement something like this from the start?
  5. Sucks that I need to install more mods but this worked for me. No more arming chutes!! Thanks Nope win8.1 64-bit.
  6. cool program. Endless possibilities. But found a small bug when messing around with the mod. Problem: Stages or chutes are manually initiated or armed with use of space bar when used in terminal window. To replicate: - Build rocket (I have two nose cone parachutes attached to empty fuel tanks) - Adjust stages so you have engine and then followed by chute by itself - Launch rocket - Open kOS terminal - When terminal window is active and you press space bar (ex. "run <script>.") the parachute is armed and waits for correct velocity to deploy. What should happen: Space bar should not cause any interference with rocket operation when used inside kOS terminal window. Work around: type command while on launchpad but serves no use once rocket is launched or if user needs to issue additional commands in flight. Mods used: kOS, KIS, KAS, realchutes, deadly reentry, TAC, FAR, kerbal engineer, KW, mechjeb, infernal robotics, stage recovery, station scienece, tweakscale, kerbal alarmclock, kolonization
  7. "retrothrusters" you talking about a mod or module? or just retroburning?
  8. How about a radial module to attach to rocket stages to deorbit them? This pack gave me the idea of dealing with spent rocket stages floating around.
  9. Would it be possible to add option to your engines to automatically initiate deorbit burn or done manually by switching to debris and deorbit them, also so they don't fall over populated areas. You could do this by installing a bunch of hardware like control capsule, mono tank and rcs, parachute to each rocket stage but seems rather cumbersome and illogical without integration. It would be nice if this can be built into rocket engines to support a little bit of mono and integrated rcs thrusters and computer, similar to the "USI Survivability Pack (formerly D.E.R.P)" http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84359. Its only troublesome to have 50+ spent rocket stages floating around with no means of cleaning it all up...and rather odd that we keep on with this behavior of "littering in space" in a game and in real-life. You can also achieve this by making a new part that has integrated rcs system, monopropellent, computer system and parachute, all available either procedurally (custom size) or standard rocket sizes. Can be attached at anyplace in the rocket stage if fuel crossfeed is enabled.
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