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    Curious George
  1. @taniwha I think I've got it compiled for windows (not sure if I did it right, but it seems to work), I've forked your repo and uploaded the .dll as a release - it's here if you want to add it (not sure if this is the best way to send it, but I don't know where else to upload it). I hope this helps.
  2. It seems to be recent updates from almost all mods, for example if you try to download Interstellar Extended version 1.8.20 or below (from the Changelog tab) it downloads correctly, but any version after that gives an "Oops! This link appears to be broken" message (on Internet Explorer). KSP Mod Admin program can't download these from spacedock either (checked for Connected Living Space, Engine Lighting, Engineering Tech Tree, EVA Fuel and obviously Interstellar Extended). Perhaps all new updates are failing past a certain date.
  3. Excellent Squad, just excellent!
  4. Did the forum stop working for a minute there, or is it just my connection?
  5. I only made very small changes, I'm surprised no one else did this. I've uploaded a .dll as v3.5 on the fork.
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