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Everything posted by Torsen

  1. I'm batting a thousand tonight. I'll go take a look at that one again. Thanks Brotoro.
  2. Thanks Brotoro. There's one stupid mistake down. However now I'm even farther away from the measured orbital period of roughly 189,000 seconds. Now I'm looking at 53,500 seconds for a full orbit, which still isn't correct.
  3. So I'm teaching myself physics, and using Kerbal as a fun tool to help me do that. I'm running into some confusing Kerbal measurements that don't add up in my physics calculations. T2 = 4À2(Semi-Major Axis)3 / (GMKerbin ) Semi Major Axis = 12.7 million Meters (Apoapsis at the moon's radius, Periapsis about 100km above Kerbin's surface) When I put the above into the formula, I calculate an orbital period around 155,000 seconds. However, when I actually fly this in Kerbal I get an orbital period around 189,000 seconds. Big Difference. Does anybody here know why? Thank you!
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