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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I can confirm this update fixed my ModuleB9PartSwitch errors. I have none left after this update. Thank you very much! I do appreciate it.
  2. @JadeOfMaar - thank you for the update. Unfortunately I still get the same set of errors. Can I do anything to help you debug this? I'm not super familiar with B9 but if you have an idea what to look for, let me know and I'll dig in. A broader list of the errors - I can get you the KSP log if you like. https://imgur.com/a/jjV7w3J
  3. Ah, cool. Thanks. I use System Heat but not the Kerbalism version [anymore]. No rush and if I can help, let me know!
  4. Hello folks - returning to the game after a year. For the most part my modpack is working but I have a few RR related issues I'm not sure how to debug. There are quite a few that look like this. Has anyone seen something like this before? I've debugged MM patches plenty of times but not sure what B9 is wanting to do here. [WRN 20:06:53.183] Warning on PartSubtype Work4 on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='Blacksmith') on part Large.Crewed.Lab: Could not find matching module [WRN 20:06:36.080] Warning on PartSubtype CarbonDioxide on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='RRGasSwitch1') on part RRConverterCryomatS2: Could not find matching module Thanks in advance for any help!
  5. If anyone can link to the latest 1.3 dev build (or semi recent at least) I would surely appreciate it. I couldn't find it any of the usual alternates. Thanks in advance! Ian
  6. I made a CTT patch for Heat Management - it is here if anyone else wants to use it. Enjoy, Ian
  7. I tried it *briefly* Seems to work ok - I had a probe with a programmed maneuver. This version fixed the issue I was having with RT cranking the roll over to maximum. I still have an issue where it overshoots orienting to the maneuver and ends up in an accelerating spin instead of dampening out. But that is not a new issue. HTH, will use it more later tonight.
  8. I *think* I root caused it to a DRE and ModularFlightIntegrator mismatch - MFI has multiple builds with the same version number, CKAN distributes the wrong one apparently. Anyway, it was the cause of my framerate issues and since fixing it I haven't seen the issue with RT. Let's hope it stays that way. :-)
  9. So, I figured it out. (For some definition of 'figured') If you click out of the KSP window and then return, science won't transmit. Not sure why yet, but it's a consistent repro for me. I run two monitors and KSP in full screen. If you ALT-TAB out and back it does not repro, but any click out definitely does. I do it a lot to go read up on things during flight. :|. Only solution seems to be revert to something - save or whatever. KSP.log doesn't yield anything obvious.
  10. Anyone having issues with science transmission? I'm in a state where I can't transmit science data - AFAICT the reports are simply discarded. Using KSP 1.0.2, RT 1.6.4 (confirmed .version and 'Product Version' in .dll). No 'transmitting' text is displayed. I was able to transmit data on the flight up just fine. Not sure if it is pointing dishes that triggered it or exiting direct connection with KSC. (Restoring direct connection to KSC doesn't help). Any thoughts? How can I help debug? I'll play around in the meantime. Thanks much! - - - Updated - - - For better or worse, I could not reproduce it. I loaded from before the issue happened (I had just completed launch into orbit) and no issues from then on. :|
  11. Did you revert the flight when this happened? I've seen a lot of retained physics behavior (not specific to DRE) when reverting.
  12. I just wanted to say "Thank you" for this wonderful mod, Starwaster. I know it takes a lot of hard work to put out something like this. Re: the ongoing debate -- I hope it doesn't drown out useful discussion. I was disappointed when ferram felt he needed to close his dev thread. FWIW, I think you chose the right of the two - neither is ideal or there wouldn't be such a debate :-) But better to choose the one with less complexity. If you're writing kOS scripts then you're an expert and can decide whether to deal with two resources, mod them together or whatnot. And/or suffer the consequences. For everyone else, no big deal. :-) Anyway, thanks again! I've been looking forward to this to complete my 1.0 mod collection :-)
  13. I made a quick patch for the Community Tech Tree. I primarily wanted to 0) Fill up the 4th wedge for a probe of mine 1) Make the hex core useful when you get it (the science wedge is now available at the same time) and 2) line up wedges in general with their comparative parts. I struggled a bit with where to put the 'waste' tanks - I put them in recycling for now. It seemed the best fit even though nothing else is in that node (at least with my mods, which are plenty) Anyway, here it is for your enjoyment. Just drop it somewhere in your GameData folder. https://www.dropbox.com/s/4a65j13irbhtjsa/CTTpatch.cfg?dl=0
  14. I understand - whacking a directory is no big deal for me. Thanks!
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