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Jeb Coleman

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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. I found a laptop for $500that can run ksp with EVE and scatterer on high setting with about 30fps. When ram is upgraded two 16GB. Without mods and the settings lower it gets above 60fps. CPU i5-6200U GPU Nvidia GeForce 940mx with 2GB GDDR5 RAM 8GB upgraded to 32GB 256GB SSD Acer Aspire E 15 E5-575G-53VG https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01DT4A2R4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_GaoqybQT2A62Z it also can play more demanding games like battlefield 1 on low settings with an average 40fps.
  2. Space Simulator - 2017 https://appsto.re/us/0jeagb.i the screenshots look like photoshopped ksp screenshots.
  3. The physics calculation could be done on an iPad here are some benchmarks. This is the cpu minimum for KSP Intel Core 2 duo https://browser.primatelabs.com/geekbench3/1267779 and here are some iOS benchmarks. IPad mini 4 https://browser.primatelabs.com/geekbench3/6756118 ipad pro https://browser.primatelabs.com/geekbench3/6843146 ipad air 2 https://browser.primatelabs.com/geekbench3/6847768
  4. KSP would run great on the iPad pro. Especially since it has DDR4 ram, and a 2.16-2.26Ghz processor. It would also run great on other iPads. But it couldn't be put on iPhone because the screen is too small. Here are the apple devices that would run it best. Ipad pro 12.9 2x 2.26GHz 4GB DDR4 ipad pro 9.7 2x 2.16GHz 2GB DDR4 ipad air 2 3x 1.5GHz 2GB DDR3 iPad mini 4 2x 1.5GHz 2GB DDR3 Since WWDC is next week it would be good to implement any new improvements to metal into the app. Unity 5 allows you to export your game to multiple platforms easily. But lots of code would have to be rewritten into swift 3. I would enjoy helping with a project to bring KSP to mobile Are you using splashtop. I use it to stream KSP to my iPad mini The graphics would be great here is somewhat new iOS game that has better graphics than KSP http://www.battlesupremacy.com/ Here is a new iOS game that has great graphics Battle Supremacy: Evolution by Atypical Games https://appsto.re/us/Gu0d5.i
  5. What about me? My system runs at 12.5fps whenever I have more than 100 parts. My system: intel pentium D 940 ATi Radeon HD 6450 4GB ram 3.25GB useable windows 10 32bit.
  6. In the US you can get $7000 incentive to buy an electric car. The last spacex launch had 160,000 people watching without a problem. I think Elon Musk knows what he is doing.
  7. The live stream was on the tesla website when the model X came out the may also stream it on YouTube.
  8. My system. Intel pentium D 940 3.2Ghz 4GB DDR 2 Ram ATi Radeon HD 6450 crashes at over 200 parts and runs at 12.5Fps
  9. Will this mod help my FPS because I get around 12fps when I have around 150 parts.
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