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    Spacecraft Engineer

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  1. Fun fact: Even if you mined up all the diamond on Jupiter and Saturn (and the rest of the solar system which is presumably just a rounding error by comparison), you'd only be able to make full sets of diamond armour for about a fifth of the word's Minecraft players. For reference:

    10 million metric tons / 526.5 kg = 18.993 million

    18.993 million / 91 million = 20.87%


    I have no idea why I calculated this, but I did

    1. James Kerman

      James Kerman

      What about 55 Cancri e?

    2. ChrisSpace


      Oh, right, I forgot about that one

    3. James Kerman

      James Kerman

      Keep doin' what ya do, mate.

      [EDIT] I meant keep up the good work, Mate!

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