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Everything posted by ChrisSpace

  1. Unlikely, but its a good idea. This is an interesting perspective. But I doubt the ESA or DoD would do it. Also don't place your bets too heavily on NASA. If there was oil on Mars, we'd be there by February. Wait wut? This is the first I have heard of this?
  2. In any case, it is quite pointless to completely destroy a planet when you could spend much less effort making it's surface uninhabitable.
  3. There's a chance i'll be in a place with no internet connection for a week or so soon, so after that I will show orbital stats I think 0.1ly is far enough for everything to be stable (I think), and its also a 43rd the distance to any other star so travelling there could be done with less developed technology. Sure, although i'm not sure if we need any more snowballs around it. I think we have enough already. When a planet becomes different enough from its counterpart in OTL, I rename it. Aether is much larger than Neptune or Uranus. What if you move Aurora closer to Earth? And also, are you using a bigger Luna than in OTL? I'll let Luna be twice as massive as in OTL at most. While I appreciate your effort with the long descriptions, it makes it hard for me to see what you have and haven't changed from my descriptions. Wait wut? No animals? I was planning from the start to add Kerbals somewhere, but not Venus. I imagined that Venus' inhabitants would be more like the sand people (can't remember what they're called) from Star Wars IV. I'm beginning to rethink this bit. This is an interesting idea for the story. Exactly what happens here i'm not sure of yet. Remind me again why we need a Kupier belt? And what if Aether was moved closer inwards? ??? This is the first I have heard of this.
  4. That's why I drop their chances significantly in my estimate. But I still think they're more likely to land humans on Mars than, say, Sealand for example. If you think NASA is going to land humans on Mars first (if at all), then you clearly don't have an in-depth knowledge of how they did what they've done so far. Oh, Mars is going to be (relatively) easy for them funding-wise. The initial mission would only cost about $ (1-digit-number) billion. Colonisation is a different matter. China is a bit iffy. Not as iffy as NASA or Russia though, which is why I gave it second place. Well, they have shown their space capabilities before, although I suppose that was all before what happened in 1991. HAHAHAHAHAHA LOL See the reply to the previous quote. For my list I added every nation which currently has plans to send humans into space. Except Iran, because they have enough things to try to deal with here on Earth. There is a difference between a scam and an extremely under thought doomed-from-the-start plan.
  5. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL Now according to this article at http://www.cnet.com/au/news/las-vegas-odds-on-who-sets-foot-on-mars-first-are-totally-nuts/ the odds of different space agencies getting to Mars in their planned timeframes is: SpaceX: 1 in 5 Mars One: 1 in 15 Russia: 1 in 60 NASA: 1 in 80 China: 1 in 100 ESA: 1 in 300 Other: negligible In my opinion the odds look more like this: SpaceX: 1 in 2 China: 1 in 10 NASA: 1 in 15 Russia: 1 in 20 ESA: 1 in 50 Another private space company: 1 in 100 Mars One: 1 in 150 India: 1 in 200 Japan: 1 in 300 International collaboration involving all major world powers: 1 in 1000
  6. Oh my god can someone please make this an actual mod? Here are my ideas... HSP: Replaces all Kerbals in the game with realistic-looking humans. Bugit-Kuts: Every few months, a large portion of your funds will suddenly disappear! Realer Realism Overhaul: Adds HSP and Bugit-Kuts to Realism Overhaul Infinite Space: Procedurally generates an entire galaxy with billions of stars and planets. Binarium: Adds proper n-body physics to KSP Enderm-N: Once a rocket is on the Launchpad, tall humanoid creatures will go onto it and pull out all it's parts, resulting in rapid disassembly. Vehicle Disassembly Building: When finds are too low, send your spacecraft here so you can slowly and painfully decommission and disassemble them. Global Warming: Every time you burn rocket fuel in atmosphere, the planet's temperature goes up slightly due to the added greenhouse gases. This causes sea levels to rise and low-lying space center buildings to be unusable. Radia-shon: Adds radiation belts around Kerbin and the other planets. Going into these belts will make probe cores short-cuircuit and kerbals would explode. Micro Solar System: The entire Kerbol system is one 1000th its normal size, so for example Kerbin in 600m in radius. The spaceplane runway is reshaped so it wraps around Kerbin. Macro Solar System: The entire Kerbol system is 1000 times its normal size, so for example Kerbin is 600,000km in radius. Death Star: Adds a functioning death star to KSP, capable of destroying any planet or star. Once built, it can only be destroyed by firing a photon topedo into a 2-meter wide exhaust port. Really any kind of torpedo will do, not just photon ones. Dyson Sphere: With this mod the inner Kerbol system is forever trapped in a dyson sphere with a radius slightly further than Duna's orbit. Less Gravity: Removes all gravity except within a planet's atmosphere. Kind of like in Space Engineers. More Gravity: Multiplies the gravity of everything in the Kerbol system by 100. Moves the space center to Gilly.
  7. It's awfully lonely down here...
  8. 17 percent oxygen is like 21 percent in an atmosphere of 0.8 atm. That's the same as being a bit over 3km above sea level. I know there are settlements in mountainy areas where people are constantly higher up. But yes, it wouldn't exactly be as nice to breathe in. So how would the Uranium/Thorium levels on Venus compare with elsewhere? Again, how much more would Venus have than other planets? Okay. I suppose that solves a few problems. Wait, how does a tidally locked moon have a permanently dark side? Are you saying the gas giant would 'get in the way'? I definitely can't do an aquatic species for Nibiru's planet/moon, but I was really wanting one for Laythe, so thanks! This sounds a lot like Jupiter and Laythe. So, add another rocky moon? I'm definitely going to have a Kraken-like thing in the outer solar system, not sure what it should be. Oh wow. I'm gonna have to do more research on Ammonia planets. With Tylo, what exactly do you mean by 'layers'? Are you saying there are gaps of empty space between the layers? Or are you just saying that there are multiple 'crusts' layered on top of one another?
  9. Ah ----! Well, is there some oil-like valuable resource that Venus could have far more of than anywhere else? Well, that's still sorta breathable. Perhaps the Venusian biosphere is more adapted to a lack of oxygen, so intelligent life can still evolve there? Also, I'm currently thinking about adding a fourth and fifth intelligent species to the solar system. More on that later. Good. So long as it's orbit is above Geostationary, I can use that massively. My idea with Nibiru's habitable planet is that it is tidally locked, and most of civilization is focused in a 'habitable zone' between the stormy heated part and the outer ice wall. Kinda like this: I was actually planning to name the planet Fredinnus, but Kerbin sounds good as well.
  10. It doesn't have to be. Would this moon be tidally locked to Earth? I assume so. Oh, don't worry about why I need a desert planet with oil, I just need to know if I can have a desert planet with oil. Okay, is there any solution to this? I will when I have time. I'm open to any suggestions with Nibiru.
  11. Well, I just got the book the other day, but so far I have only had a quick look through it. Also, if you want to type with only the ten hundred most often used words, here is a cool thing I found on the computer world: http://splasho.com/upgoer5/
  12. Wait, I think I have a solution for Aurora! Instead of having it as an outer moon, why not put it in a stable orbit closer in than Luna? I remember reading somewhere that there's a satellite which will stay in orbit for another 8.4 million years before deorbiting, so could a similar orbit work for Aurora? Also a question about Venus: As a desert planet, is there any way the planet could obtain large oil reserves? (yes, yes I am doing that)
  13. I'll set up an account there soon-ish. Well, I can so far say that the story will plagi- I mean, will be heavily be inspired by films such as Iron Sky, Avatar and Star Wars.
  14. Sealand. Oh, you wanted an actual answer? Probably the flag of either the US, China, Russia or SpaceX.
  15. Dump gasoline all over the planet, then throw a match on it.
  16. Sure, sure, if Titan has this feature I suppose Laythe can have I as well. Because it's an alternate history project. I'm thinking of a way the story can be discussed somewhere outside the forums. maybe they also had genetic engineering and used it to tweak their genomes before said collapse, so they could survive on said planet I really wish I could use this, but I simply can't because the natives on Venus, Earth and Minerva are so different from one another.
  17. I have, but it doesn't say anything I didn't already know. Eventually the landmasses would even out just like the air and water did. This might take a while, though. I'm afraid to say much about the storyline because of the forum's 'no political talk' rule. Unfortunately, yes. We're not talking about a rival species with the ability to create a 'virtual realm', more like the Ewoks (I think that's what they're called) from Star Wars VI.
  18. Again I think we're getting off-topic.
  19. So it's less scientifically accurate to actually look at the planets individually? Is that what you're saying? After a bit of thinking, I think I can work with a desert Venus. Oh, yes, I remember this from a documentary I watched about if the Earth stopped spinning. The thing is, eventually the land would even out just like the air and water did. So unless the tidal locking was quite recent, I think the landmasses would look normaller. Good, I was thinking something like that. Well, hence the suspension of disbelief.
  20. I have a feeling this is getting a bit off-topic.
  21. And what happens if a rogue colony starts using its asteroid-redirection methods to throw rocks at Earth? In any case, the Moon and Mars have many resources that asteroids don't. Also, Mars is a much safer position since its atmosphere blocks out tiny meteors that would easily create a hull breach if the colony were somewhere else. Space Environmentalists!
  22. Unfortunately you'll have to for the time being. In any case I'm not even sure I can talk about the story on the forum, because politics. Breathable. Anything else I'll let the others decide on.
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