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Everything posted by h4didact

  1. "Mares" is the plural of "sea" in portuguese. I speak portuguese so I guess knowing a meaning for the word "Mares" blinded me for other possibilities.
  2. Thanks. Now I understand the hype. That image description on imgur settles it.
  3. Are you guys saying that the terrain near the runway will be bumpy only because you saw some shadows on that screenshot? I may be mistaken, but if that's what you are believing, these images would say otherwise: Look at the shadows near the runway. It looks like there are some hills near the runway, but there aren't.
  4. 5/10 I bet I'm already famous!
  5. If it's binary, release date is Monday. April 20th.
  6. No, no. I didn't edit this image. I asked a friend of mine to add explosions (and he added clouds and rain by himself). Considering he is not a member of this forum or even know what KSP is, all the credits should go for you. =D I'm only the middleman here.
  7. More explosions! All credits for this image goes to 5thHorseman.
  8. Well, I still think it is the texture (that changes when you're at certain distances of the planets). I hope I'm wrong, so finally upgrading the runway won't be meaningless.
  9. Great editing! But it lacks fire, explosions, suspense, people going crazy on top of the train, and smoke. It basically lacks a little bit of Michael Bayness
  10. Have you guys thought of the possibility that this countdown is for the trailer and not the update?
  11. No, it is the amount of heat damage your heatshield can take. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ablative_armor After the heat shield is completely burned up, it is useless. So you better calculate your aerobreaking very well. Or make a stage that is specifically designed to aerobreake your ship. And then you decouple that and use your main heat shield to enter atmosphere.
  12. Now that the ROUND8 is safe, I am SO hyped with the Mk3 wings. I've been building a shuttle for months now. That tail fin LOOKS INCREDIBLE. I'm so happy again.
  13. I'm not sure if this was a joke or not not because I'm kinda new here. But are you aware that 1.0 is at most 2 weeks away, right? Anyway, I agree with the guy that made the "SQUAD bakes us a cake" metaphor. Sometimes people will forget about the good things and focus on the bad ones. Maybe the fairings decouple will work like that because of the procedural system. In the end of the day, procedural fairings are a good thing. Better than none. Now some people may say "shut up you were bitc**** about the ROUND8 tank. Why can't I bitc* about the fairings?!" I'm not being hypocritical here. The ROUND8 is a well known part and we all know how much we would miss it if it was to be replaced. But we didn't even got to see by ourselves the benefits of this new mouse-guided-procedural-fairing thing and people are already complaining about it as it was the worst.
  14. Still, let's not shift our speech now. We know this suggestion is impossible for the 1.0 update. Until then, lets just make sure the ROUND8 will not be repurposed. I voted "Of course" btw.
  15. Everyone! Now is the time! Make a difference. Use this signature. The hope is not dead.
  16. No. If they're starting a countdown, it's gotta be a week or less. If you start the countdown to early, people can get frustrated. Also, previous experimentals only lasted a week or so. They said this one would be bigger. If they release it next week, it will be 2 weeks of experimentals.
  17. Great idea. But regarding dropping probes and other stuff and let them do their things by themselves wouldn't be possible because of the limited physics bubble. Even with 25.5km physics bubble it wouldn't be possible at orbital speeds.
  18. KSP is far from being a simulator (which is not a bad thing). KSP is a game about space exploration with very good mechanics. It's purpose is to be fun above all (I think the devs said that already). If it was a simulator there would not be funny little green guys in command of things. Saying that it is trying to become a simulator because they are adding stuff like refined aerodynamics and heat shields is like saying GTAV is a warfare simulator because it has guns.
  19. The ROUND8 tanks can stick halfway into those bigger tanks by default. Before SQUAD introduced the gizmos, you had to "cheat" to clip parts. However, the ROUND8 was one of the few parts that could stick "inside" (half of it would be outside) other tanks by default. I always thought of that as being a feature of the ROUND8. Considering I did not use neither the "cheat" nor the gizmos to make this lander, I say it does not use clipping. However, now that you've mentioned, I checked again and have to say that the two bottom ROUND8s (the ones near the main engine) were clipped into each other. Even though I didn't use the gizmos or the cheaty thingy. (I guess the ROUND8 are just prone to clipping, but I like it). Still, I love this lander and for me is my best design. I can send you the files if you want. Think fast cause next week it may not work anymore.
  20. There is already a poll about this issue: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/115621-Do-you-think-Squad-should-leave-the-Round8-Toroidal-Tank-alone I was about to create a poll the other day but that guy was faster than me!
  21. Genius! This is what we need. Community Marketing at its finest.
  22. "The number of electrons in an atom defines what element it is." I said that years ago. Recognizing your own mistakes makes you a better person.
  23. I was very hyped until this week's DevNotes. I can't stop thinking about the ROUND8 tank.
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