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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Hey I got two things: A. Is there anyway to enable cloud shadows in the test version? B. In PQS and map view my city lights are white.
  2. Hey, not sure if anyone has seen this: But would anyone know how he did those smoke trails?, he said he modified the DR source code to include the effects.
  3. Hey Bahamuto, is there any chance of us seeing a release of that seismic charge we saw a while back?
  4. Thanks, but I do already have the texture pack. I'm not sure but I think module manager has something to do with it (?) as whenever I remove ModuleManager 2.6.5 from game data it loads, but without textures.
  5. Not sure if anyone else is getting this, but whenever I start the game with RSS 10.0 the loading screen doesn't move from this:
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