Its payload is way to big to fit in any fairings, it wobbles, and it\'s ugly as hell, but ohh boy is it fun! After much testing here it is, think we finally got enough struts on so it won\'t self destruct .... most the time. Consider this my plea for working wheels and smoother moon textures lol, I had to share this tho it has been hours of fun for me. - heres a vid of me running a short demo with it, sorry for using metacafe I know its slow but YouTube decided to yank my audio I don\'t think Ozzy will mind Heres the 'short' list of Mods you need to load this thing up (-version at release) -C7FlightPack (2.16) -NovaPunch Remix Pack (1.0 Alpha) -Industrial Flames and Explosions (1.4.1) -Down Under Aerospace & Party Supplies (0.4) -OKAD Rover Wheels -Lander Peg (1.0) & Radial Booster Pack (2.2) by CaptainSlug Have fun all hopefully this all posted correctly, .craft file should be attached. p.s. Sorry about low res video, best I can do with Fraps until I get a second HD and secondly I forgot to mention, I wouldn\'t recommend exceeding 20 m/s with rover or things can become ... er self destructive Built in KSP v13.1