Hi, This is my thread about my adventures in KSP. I may have not made it to the Mun, I may have made it to completely random orbits around the Sun, I may have blown Jeb and Bob into that orbit, but today has been the greatest achievement of all time. It all started when I got KSP about a week ago. My brother challenged me to (I quote) "Dock a ship with another ship in the orbin of Kerbin" Seems simple enough, right? Well, not for this idiot it isn't. Having built the tip of the rocket, I placed a decoupler above 2 of those jumbo fuel tanks and a "Skipper" under it, this was the back-up plan, or the plan to go fly off into space, whichever one you'd like to call it. "This is nearly not enough power" I had thought, before during simply sending stuff into orbit(and the Sun orbit), I had found out that 4 Skippers with 2 jumbos wouldn't boost the ship if the reserve wasn't working. I decided to go with the "Mainsail", for the boost for a nice orbit. Knowing the Mainsail only lasted so long, I had to get more power. 8 decouplers, 16 JTL(or whatever those are) tanks with Advanced Engines stuck under them. After initial tests(included the tests where I realized I needed struts) I realized something: the ship I had built had no capability to get a nice orbit(ended up with 281 - 290 on final) There was not enough power. You know the Solid Fuel Boosters? I added 24 decouplers, 3 per advanced engine setup, 24 of the largest Solid Fuel Boosters I found, strutted them, it was go time. Everything is going alright. Orbit is 110-111, mission accomplished. Or so I thought. I ran into problems... The cockpit had nothing to dock to, also a part of the challenge was to have a kerbal in the detached part of the ship, another problem was space-based propulsion... Back at the launch facility, added a middle section with a bridge and a FALSE DOCKING PORT(fixed later), added many monoprop tanks, 2 monoprop engines, rcs control thingies. Go time. The monoprops were too strong, later I discovered the "Docking mode" which served me great(removed monoprop engines). My design plan was to ditch the "ass" of the ship and dock with it, so it counts as docking with another ship, both had flying capabilities. After around 15 failed flights-attempts(excluding the initial tests), I could into space(I had a problem with the Mainsails exploding with the JTL tanks in space so that added around 4 attempts). Having detached the front, I proceed with tilting, I had put docking ports on the fuel tanks aswell, for it to be easier. After around 3 minutes of jiggling, I had docked. Trying to ditch an useless part of the ship, I ditched my control part(the one with the bridge), luckily I had attached monoprop tanks and RCS on it(to keep it from spinning while docking), this one looked more abstract to dock, but it was a lot easier, the first part had the port on the tip, this one on the side. TL;DR Potatoes can into space. Now read the text. Or don't. I won't care. Problably. Mods B9 Aerospace LackLusterLabs Near Future Propulsion (and Electrics) Thank you for spending your time with my useless text, I just had a feeling I had to share that I am not a complete moron :3 If any of you could suggest amazing mods and stuff, that'd be great(got my eyes towards Spitfire atm), also some tips on getting orbits to the Mun(Minmus, Duna, and other places too... I can only orbits(intentional) Kerbin... Also some tips on rocket design and efficient stuff... Before you start talking that I am trash, take a moment and read the following. I know I am trash, I play for fun, I try too many silly stuff to be good. I don't want this thread to be for killing me for being new, I want this thread to, generally, be nice. For anyone interested: the ship cost around 1060000 whatevers the money is counted in.(Kerbits?)