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Posts posted by Solar71

  1. Hi guys.

    I have a ve a question about temps.

    If if I go to the debug menu (which I hate doing) to enable the temperature readouts of parts, when

    i leave ksp then reload ksp, I have to do it again. And again and again.

    Is there some way to enable temps in the debug menu once. And have it remember that I want it on, every time?

    i mean it's pretty stupid that you have to go into a DEBUG menu (not a normal menu) to enable something you should always have.

    Especially since in 1.0.4 heating has become a very important part of the game.

    I know I could get a mod. But why? Why do I have to get a mod for the simplest things in ksp?

    also non of the mods out there show the information better then the ksp debug way.

    I have a mod that shows external temps of parts. That was all you needed before.

    But now internal temps are arguably more important.

    and there is a mod that shows the single hottest parts temp. Again not good enough.

    so I guess my question is. . . Is there a way to force ksp to show internal and external temps from the debug menu without having to go into the debug menu every single time I load up ksp?

    is there a config file that I could edit to achieve this?


  2. seems strange right? or is that what you were expecting?

    I mean, shouldn't the ablator be exhausted before exploding? or does it only need to get "LOW"

    I had my heat shield blow up with 50/200 ablator and another time with close to 100/200.

    Not sure whats happening but I just tried something that someone else said in the forums.

    I renamed my KSP folder so that Steam thinks its gone. Then I click on the KSP in my games list inside steam (it still displays it)

    Then there is a menu that pops up, inside that menu it has 3-4 choices. One of the choices is "Verify Files and Content"

    Click it... Then It tries to see if KSP files are all ok... It says Failed, can not Verify content.... "Re-Acquiring"

    Basically it re-downloads KSP so you get a new, fresh install.

    Then I copy over my mods. And so far it seems to be working better. But I will do more testing.


  3. Slightly off topic but it is related, I get a sonic boom type sound when flying planes... even though its nowhere near mach 1 ... and it happens every now and then.

    If anything exploded, I'd know... but the problem mentioned by the OP isn't one I have encountered before (yet).

    Good luck finding a solution ... it would be annoying if this was a bug that you couldn't fix by using parts...

    Thanks man... You too...

    I can tell you one thing. When I release a stage and it starts falling away, sometimes the parts will just explode!

    But that doesn't effect my main craft.

    But the overheating and exploding of the heat shield does... lololol :)

    PS: I think this might be an actual bug because I went into steam, and now its telling my there is an update to Kerbal space program.

    But I just did the update yesterday, or the day before. (cant remember).

    But today its saying there is an update again. But when I go into the download manager, it shows KSP waiting for an update but it doesn't start.

    Or it hasn't started yet. So im wondering if a hotfix is on its way?


    - - - Updated - - -

    Ok I just learned something.

    Whenever im in reentry and I put the time scale to x2 the heat starts to shoot up.

    I put it back down to x1 and the heat literally drops back down.

    Eventually the part still overheats and explodes. But lower in the atmosphere.

    So it looks a little bit like a timewarp bug + a heating bug, because time warp shouldn't make things heat up more, just faster because of the accelerated time.

    But when you lower the time warp the parts shouldn't actually cool down.

  4. If you press F3, what is the part that exploded first?

    Ok I ran the test flight again...

    The first thing to explode is the Heat shield Due to overheating?!?!?!

    Funny because when I right click it, this time it was showing about 380 Kelvin but it was full red warning bar and exploded.

    I think this might be a bug.

    PS : This is again with stock physics.cfg.

    And inside my save file the reentry heat is set to 2.0

    Because 1.0 was a joke. (sorry squad)

  5. If you press F3, what is the part that exploded first?

    You know what? I didn't check that. Good point. I assumed it was the MK1. But to be 100% sure I will re create the mission and check this time.

    But for now, let's say it was the internal heat from my mk1.

    Reason I say this is, it was an mk1 and heatshield. I didn't have anything external attached like science stuff. Only a single stock nose cone parachute. And it wasn't even hot at all.

    So so it was a total of three parts. Parachute mk1 heatshield. All of them bellow 50% of max temp.

    Except for that heat bar that I couldn't locate, but looked like it was in between the heatshield and the mk1.

    Sorry I can't give more data right now, I turned off my PC and I'm in bed on my iPad. Lol :-)

  6. Hey guys.

    Ok I just installed 1.0.3 and I did a tourist contract to take a tourist around Kerbin orbit.

    So I do that and now we are doing reentry.

    After being inside the atmosphere for a few minutes I wanted to check my ship out.

    I check my ablator and it says about 50/200 ablator left. Temp is about 600K

    I check the MK1 Capsule its protecting and its only at about 550K

    But there is this temp warning bar that shows up. Its not for the heat shield, and its not for the MK1.

    But it looks like it's right in between the two.

    The temp is climbing and climbing and climbing. But the temp of the heat shield and mk1 are both bellow 50% of there max.

    Eventually the bar reaches full RED!!! then BAM!!! everyone dies!!!

    What happened?

    Was that the internal temperature of the mk1? And why is it getting hotter then the outside?

    I used to be able to tweak the reentry heat factor to make the game a challenge.

    But now I cant. Why is ksp going backwards?

    I used to be able to customize the game to my liking, but now it seems that I can't.

    How is so much heat getting inside my capsule while the outside stays relatively cool?


    PS : Not using FAR

  7. There's really no conversion at all-- it's a fantasy solar system, we have no real-world numbers for anything that would indicate an actual conversion to "real world" values. It's not like masses, and radii, and speeds, and so forth where there are real units attached to anything.

    I assume that Xannari is using "^" to mean "to the power of", but, A) I have no idea where he's getting those numbers, or B) why pick numbers that are so tiny.

    The numbers he's giving (in the ten-to-the-minus-19th-power watts) means that you'd need a mass of solar cells the size of a small planet in order to power a single light bulb. There's simply no comparison.

    The real answer is that there's simply no way to calculate what a KSP "EC" is in terms of real-world energy units, since there are no points of reference. You can make some guesses if you like, for example, "measure the size of a solar panel and assume 150 watts per square meter in vacuum at Kerbin", which would let you calculate a number. But that's still going to be a completely made-up number.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Where are you getting that number? That would mean you'd need over 10 quintillion solar panels to power a single small energy-efficient light bulb, which seems a bit... ah... extreme.

    5.6901 watts is what I get when I type 9.083 e -19

    not sure if that is correct or not.

  8. .35 ECs per second. ECs have no real defined value, but you can figure that an EC = [about] 5.45 • 10^-17 Joules. 1 solar cell outputs .5 electronvolts of power, therefore with 238 of them, a simple electronvolt to Joule conversion, and you're all set.

    EDIT: That's 9.083 • 10^-19 Watts

    Sorry to bother you again, but im not sure I got your answer correctly...

    Is 5.6901 Watts the correct calculation to your equation?

    Im not familiar with the ^ symbol.

    But I read that it means "and" in mathematics.

    So is it the Equivalent to 9.083 e -19 ?

    Thanks. sorry for bothering you.

  9. .35 ECs per second. ECs have no real defined value, but you can figure that an EC = [about] 5.45 • 10^-17 Joules. 1 solar cell outputs .5 electronvolts of power, therefore with 238 of them, a simple electronvolt to Joule conversion, and you're all set.

    EDIT: That's 9.083 • 10^-19 Watts

    Thank you!!!

    I didn't realize an EC had no real world equivalent.

  10. Hey guys.

    Ok so here is my question.

    When I look at the little basic (non-tracking) solar panel. It looks to me, to be roughly 1m x 1m square.

    When I looked online about solar panel power production, I saw 150w-200w per square meter in vacuum.

    Also about 100w-150w at sea level. Both of these are at 100% optimal conditions.

    So when I look at the solar panel in KSP it says 0.35 per second of power generation.

    But what is that? 0.35 watts? 0.35 kilowatts? Megawatts, Gigawatts?

    I'm trying to understand how much power they make so I can adjust them to more realistic values.

    Thanks in advance :)

  11. FF will ask this only if you updated from an old version of FF.

    Not directly. FF knows nothing about previous missions before FF was installed. So whatever kerbal is the first (active) in space after FF was installed will get the first kerbal in space ribbon.

    If you have three flights in space and all were started before FF was installed and you choose one of them, all of the crew will get the first in space ribbon.

    But you can edit your persistent file yourself and give the ribbon to a different kerbal at a different time.

    EDIT: I'm tesing 0.8.4 at the moment and use it in my regular game for a while. This release may fix the issue with the Contract Configurator and the Tourism Pack.

    ok thank you for the reply.

    I thought the "convert old saves" feature, meant that it would convert saves prior to FF's installation.

    But I guess not.

    Ok so maybe I will just uninstall it for now, but when I start a new career, I will put it back in.

    Thanks again!

  12. Hi you guys...

    1st off, great mod!

    Ok, now for the bad part.

    Im having a little trouble.

    I installed the mod without issue.

    I go into the game and it seems to be working perfectly.

    I see the little FF ribbon icon at the top, next to KER. If I click it, it opens up and shows me all my little Kerbals.

    But it never asked me if I wanted to convert my old saves.

    I went into the options area and "Convert old saves" is selected by default I guess.

    But it never asked me. I do not have any mods that modify the solar system in any way, like "outer planets" or anything like that.

    So I did a mission with Jeb to see if it was fully working, And it seems to be working perfectly. He got a few ribbons and it said he was in flight for 0.02 days. WOOT!!!

    But it also said he went into space for the 1st time?

    He's done 20+ missions so far, but its saying this was his 1st...

    Is there a bug with the "convert old saves" feature?

    Can I fix this so that I don't have to start a brand new career?


  13. Thanks guys that was just it! I managed to gain control over her wreck and EVA her over. I have tried [] before but it didn't work, since I have a german keyboard layout. \ seems to be the one.

    Good news: Digela is now part of my crew- with a full stupidity meter.

    Im not 100% sure, but I think there is a maximum distance of 2.5-3.0 kilometers for when you can take over another vessel. Just get close enough and you can do it.

  14. I recently re-entered the atmosphere with no heat shields going 6.3km/s. All I lost were a couple solar panels.

    It was terrifying, but very anti-climactic. I have decided it is completely unnecessary - at least at Kerbin - to EVER use a heat shield.

    Here's hoping 1.0.3 will reintroduce that need.

    That would be very nice.

    TBH I personally "feel" like KSP is just fudging heat all together.

    When my ablator was at 0/200, It was still showing me that the external temperature was about 6,500 kelvin, "THATS HOT"

    I understand what cybersol is saying, but it just doesn't "feel" right.

    Lets say I have a heat shield with 200 ablator, then after getting really hot the ablator eventually goes to zero.

    Ok so now, there is only what left? A supporting structure for the ablator? what's under the ablator? I would guess some sort of metallic

    support, but possible ceramic?

    Either way that material would get hot as well...

    It honestly seems to me, that the ablator is just something to "trick" KSP players into thinking heat is real.

    Honestly, it "feels" like smoke and mirrors to me.

    But of course I could be completely wrong. I would love it, if a Squad Dev person would chime in with something.

    - - - Updated - - -

    One more thing. Im going to turn up the reentry heat multiplier to 10.0 and see if something happens to my heat shield after ablator is gone. Just as an experiment...

    This should let me know if heat is even real in ksp. haha

    lol wish me luck.

  15. If you had lost all ablator by 25km then you likely would have been toast. Craft lose heat from radiation and in atmosphere also from convection. You can watch the process yourself by right-clicking a part, after you turn on the thermal details in the action menu using Alt-F12 -> physics -> temperature -> action menu.

    I see what you're saying. ok so basically its working correctly?

    After ablator is gone the ship should still be able to stay cool and the heat shield should get cool and cooler without ablator?

    As long as the ablator hits zero below 25k but not above it?

    Ok thanks, I didn't know this.

    Much appreciated. :)

  16. Hey guys.

    Quick question about ablator.

    So Im reentering Kerbin atmosphere at about 2,300 m/s.

    Mk1 + 200 ablator heat shield.

    Im playing with reentry heat at a 3.0 multiplier, for more challenge.

    So I tried reentry 3-4 different ways without a heat shield and blew up every time... That's a good thing.

    So now I MUST use a heat shield.

    Ok so Im reentering and the temperature is going up on my heat shield...

    Ablator starts going away... 199/200

    As I get lower, the temp goes WAY UP!!! ablator at 93/200

    Little bit lower (about 19,000m) and now ablator is at 0/200

    But my heat shield does not blow up... and actually starts cooling off even though external temp says 6,500 kelvin.

    So where is all the heat going?

    My MK1 stayed at about 406 kelvin.

    No ablator left, so what Is acting as the heat sink?

    Sorry if this is a silly question, I just want to understand the mechanics. If ablator is completely gone, then where is all that heat going?

    Thanks :)

  17. Solar, people like Wanderfound, tetryds, blowfish, and a few others make my life easier by acting on my behalf getting the stuff necessary to actually fix bugs and by providing common solutions so I can actually fight with the code. Even if they had no history of doing that, being obstructive when people suggest ways to provide more information to help does not make for easier bugfixing, especially since it means that I have to stop coding to address this. >_>

    All you had to do was ask.

    In in your post, you said something like, " I need to know what you did to recreate the problem"

    thats why I explained it to you.

    I thought you wanted to know what I did verbally. i don't remember you asking for any type of file.

    in fact. You didn't.

    but it's ok now. I fixed FAR. The same way you fix bugs. I just deleted it, and called fixed.

    Good luck dude. Tell FAR to say hi to the dodo bird for me when he gets there. Lol

  18. I think you can do a bit better than that. Provide a craft file (since it sounds like you're only using stock parts), make sure it is reproducible on a clean save (or provide your save file only if it is not), and describe the ascent path you are using - are you just going straight up or using a particular path to orbit?

    Please allow Ferram to speak for himself. ok?

    Ferram didn't ask for a save file.

    If Ferram needs a save file or a ship file I could give him whatever he needs.

    But he should speak for himself.

    Don't you think?

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