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    Curious George
  1. [UPDATE] It's just a save local problem, I backed up all my crafts and made a new save and it worked just fine. I'll put my crafts in my new save soon.
  2. It's not a n00b issue, it's an ICBM with a probe core, Z-4K battery, Weapon Manager, and a rotary bomb rack holding X payload(Usually nukes) covered by a faring with solid boosters for an uppermost stage, i've tried launching sats and and everything but it won't even exit the VAB. It'll black out the buttons as if I did a thing that exited the VAB but it stands there, semi-frozen, I can click parts, but nothing happens. I'll record it and attach it soon.
  3. I have a problem, and I need help with said problem, I haven't found any reliable solutions that don't involve cleaning my install. Mods: BDA, BDA Vessel Switcher, CAL, Firespitter(KAX), KAX, KerbalFoundries, Hyperedit, Malfunc industries BDA parts, NAS, NKD Weaponry, TakeCommand, and Tweakscale. So my problem is that I want to make an ICBM and I go into the VAB, I can't load my crafts, I make a new one and when I launch it does nothing, it sits there, I can click parts and they change appearance as if I clicked them, It does nothing, jack excrements. Every time I try it, it won't work. The SPH works so I can make tanks and planes but nothing can come out of the VAB.
  4. Ok, I installed KerbinSide via KerbalStuff and after a few seconds engine sounds just cut until I go to 0% throttle and back only to have the sound cut again, this is the second occurance of this since when I first installed this (I wiped all mods from KSP yesterday and now i'm going 1-2 mods at a time to find game-breaking ones) This mod is also a tragedy since it failed while being the most useful mod for the war i'm doing.
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