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Everything posted by tSpecR

  1. A lot of Mods like this will cause windows defender to think there is a trojan, because the program alters or creates .dll files. If you got it from a link here then you can safely ignore that, I have used mechjeb for years and never had any virus or malware. Most antivirus will flag anything that tries to mess with .dll files. Great mod, it not only taught me how to do things manually, but once I learnt from it, it also saves me the tedium of doing a lot of things manually. Cool to see you pushing the limits of what it can achieve. I'll have a look myself too. but TBH spaceplanes hurt my brain. I normally only use them to lift to high atmosphere and then jettison them and I only do that to give myself new goals. Haven't made a space-plane that can do anything use-full yet. But testing and pushing the limits is kinda what Kerbal does best.
  2. I still find this really annoying. I just want my jet engines to use my wing mounted tanks only and leave my main fuselage rocket tanks alone. I understand how it makes spaceplanes easier to handle but surely it wouldnt be hard to add an option as to which tanks my jet engines use or I think it should just use fuel evenly from parts that are in the same cross fuel circuit and not use any at all from parts that arent part of the cross fueled section. Basically so I can isolate certain tanks from being used at all without having to disable them altogether. Sometimes I want my rockets and jets firing at the same time without jets syphoning off my rocket fuel so disabling the tank isnt an option. I dont see why I should need to use a workaround when there is a crossfuel option there.
  3. Sorry about the multiple post, I'm posting as I'm constructing ang flying and I have to wait for moderator approval so I cant edit my old posts. While I think of it there is one issue. As you can see I'm using the parts for a mun base. I use wheels to move them into place and legs to raise them and dock them. The 90 degree bend however wont let me attach parts to the outside of it so I cant use wheels or legs on it without constructing some type of structure on the node point (which would make the base look not very continuous and make it difficult to get the height of the legs etc right.). Not a big deal really I can just use a foyer or something and put a docking port on the side but the 90 degree bend was one of the main things that drew me to this. Don't want to sound like I'm complaining, I love this mod and the way it fits so well together with everything else.
  4. Sorry I'm just a stupidhead :S after playing kerbal for over a year (I did have a rather large hiatus) I forgot that you left click the hatch not right click. Don't worry I gave myself an uppercut for it.
  5. I love this mod, just found it yesterday and well on my way to building my new munbase. One issue I have found is I sent up 3 kerbals in the 'Foyer' and now landed and docked it with my base I cant eva them right clicking on the hatch doesn't do anything. Am I doing something wrong?
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