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Everything posted by FlamingOnion_1

  1. I might give it a try one day...It would be really laggy for me though
  2. This is a really cool post. I like the creativity in it, nice work
  3. Features The Chubby Sloth (Stock) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Includes 8 speakers (sound not included) Can reach up to speeds of 25 m/s+ Constantly regenerates electricity so no need to worry about the power cutting out Has 4 XL3 to haul the chubby part of the sloth Has lights for speakers and the rim of the craft with the colors of Red Green and Blue Note 1-Do Not put a kerbal in it unless you want it to go under 8 m/s and not have it turn...I don't know why this happens, perhaps a bug Note 2-Use the diff steering to make the Chubby Sloth go fast.The wheels speeding up to try and turn will speed up the whole craft and wont be able to turn in time An album will go here as soon as they fix the button, if you would like to see an albums please click the download button to the page with the album. Specs Known Issues/Known Suggestions Action Groups ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Toggle red speaker lights Toggle green speaker lights Toggle blue speaker lights Toggle red bottom lights Toggle green bottom lights Toggle blue bottom lights Turn on all lights Turn off all lights Download ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---- https://kerbalx.com/FlamingOnion_1/The-Chubby-Sloth ---- Thank you for viewing my post, I really appreciate It. If you like this type of content and would want more then please take the time to check out my forums profile, my KerbalX profile, and my YouTube channel Forums profile http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/profile/141134-flamingonion_1/ KerbalX profile https://kerbalx.com/FlamingOnion_1 YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCncsRTjIiBXzM4QbWnV402w
  4. I Fixed the problem now...For some reason if I add a kerbal to the unmanned vehicle it will not work...
  5. Idk if I explained it well enough for it being none steam so here is an article on it. the only problem is that it wont work for anything other than Windows. It only worked for me when I went into ksp and switched it into windowed mode so it will become a "fixed window" and then i could use chrome on my second monitor without ksp closing. I hope you get this fixed
  6. This is normal for Ksp. You can try to run it in full screen windowed mode to see if that fixes it by going into steam, then right clicking on Ksp then go to properties.after that under the general tab go to set launch options and once that window pops up type in "-popupwindow" without the quotes. edit- go into settings and select windowed mode for it to work Edit 2-if you don't have steam then just go to C:\ksp_win\ksp.exe (if that isn't the location then sorry I don't know where it is located just try to find Ksp.exe on your C drive) then rename ksp.exe to "ksp.exe - popupwindow" without the quotes
  7. I built this Van looking thing and I put the Xl3 rover wheels on it because the other wheels would be too small.It was working just fine when I put them on (I was able to turn easily and go to speeds up to 25 m/s using the diff steering to make me go faster),but now I switched some settings to make my game run better and now the Rover can only go 5 m/s and I cant even turn the vehicle.I didn't mess with it to much except add some struts and maybe a few other things but I don't think it would affect the wheels. I understand that these wheels aren't the best for the game, but I cant use any other wheel because of how big the vehicle is.
  8. The problem has been fixed finally...If anyone is having problems like this with OBS and Sony Vegas Pro together change the OBS settings to Constant Bitrate (DO NOT use constant quality, the only benifit is that it makes the file sizes a little bit smaller but I cant get any of the videos to work with Constant Quality in Sony Vegas Pro 13 and 12)
  9. Thank you im planning on making a better version of it soon (faster, manned, bigger, etc) that will have some bombs that that will cause a little bit more damage.
  10. Thank you, I was wondering wear that button went. I hope you guys don't have to much trouble trying to fix it
  11. Features: Stratus I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Consist of 2 bombs (can be dropped separately via action group) Complete stock It is unmanned (so no worry of losing a kerbal) Its max speed is about 125 m/s (measured at a level altitude of 5000 meters) Its take of speed (how fast it has to go to take off) is about 80 m/s Its max altitude is about 8500 meters The fastest speed that I could achieve was about 250 m/s (basically diving down from 8500 meters) It doesn't have that big of a problem turning and stalling An album will go here as soon as they fix the problem with the button Specs Known Issues/Known Suggestions Action Groups ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.Drop left bomb 2.Drop right bomb Download ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ https://kerbalx.com/FlamingOnion_1/Stratus-I Thank you for taking you time to look at this post, i really appreciate it If you would like more content like this please visit my YouTube channel or my forums and KerbalX profile. Youtube ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCncsRTjIiBXzM4QbWnV402w Profiles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ forums - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/profile/141134-flamingonion_1/ Kerbalx - https://kerbalx.com/FlamingOnion_1
  12. So i have been trying to make higher quality videos for my youtube channel and so I upped the quality in my recording software (OBS) to make it look better.I put it in sony vegas 13 to test it out to see if it works and in the preview when ever i click on any part of the video it will show this weird pixel crap (video demonstrating it below) on the preview and will last like that for a few seconds and go away.Even if it put the time a little back it will show the weird pixels for a few seconds and then become normal even at the previews part of the video before.In the unedited video it shows no weird pixel stuff in the vid at all so I know its not OBS that is screwing with me.I tried to put the quality of OBS a little down and I did see an improvement but it was still their (it wasn't showing up before because my OBS settings were really low quality).I went ahead and said it was the preview that was just screwing with me and so I just rendered it to see if it would show up in the finished video, It seems that the video does that weird pixel thing only happens in the beginning of the vid, A part in the video where i spit in, and at the end of the vid. PS. I have disabled resample, Im using the trial, and I have literally done nothing with the video except split it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hkug0pHIwn0
  13. The poem is pretty cool and I like the art that goes with it keep it up!
  14. Have you tried backing up your saves and reinstalling the game? The only thing I could think of are some missing files.
  15. Thank you I appreciate your comment.I spent way to long on making this forum post so i'm glad to see that someone has noticed my efforts in this post
  16. About the B-1B Lancer: the B-1 Lancer is a 4 engine supersonic strategic bomber introduced in the 80's Used by the United States Air Force. The B-1B is focused on low-level penetration bombing.The aircraft is still in service as of today and continues to serve in combat missions.It is expected to continue serving until 2030 when the long range strike bombers are introduced. Features: B-1 Lancer (Stock) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Consist of 3 bombs (1 large one up front and 2 smaller once in the back) The 2 smaller bombs drop at the same time for a extra amount of damage The Larger bomb can be guided Completely stock B-1 Lancer (BDArmory) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Consist of 10 bombs (9 JDAMs the front 1 Warhead in the back) Has Flares, Chaff, and Smoke The Warhead has 2 parachutes for accurate targeting Only requires the BDArmory mod Both (Stock and modded features) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Large horizontal stabilizer (good for flaring for landings) Large wingspan 2 cargo bays (1 large one and 1 smaller one) Can hold up to 2 kerbals Max Speed is 127.2 M/S (measured at a level altitude of 3000 meters) Max Altitude Around 5000 meters but possibly higher Speed to take off is under 70 M/S The aircraft can easily turn with no issues SPECS Known Issues/Known Suggestions Action Groups: (Stock) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Front cargo bay doors (open/close) Back cargo bay doors (open/close) Front cargo bay bomb drop Back cargo bay bomb drop (BDArmory) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Front cargo bay doors (open/close) Back cargo bay doors (open/close) JDAM bomb drop (one at a time) Warhead bomb drop Flares Chaff Smoke Nothing Warhead parachutes Warhead detonate button (detonate it before it hits the ground) Download the Rockwell B-1B Lancer Below Stock https://kerbalx.com/FlamingOnion_1/Rockwell-B-1-Lancer-Bomber Modded(BDArmory) https://kerbalx.com/FlamingOnion_1/Rockwell-B-1-Lancer-Modded-Bomber Thank you for viewing my craft Check out my YouTube for more content like this- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCncsRTjIiBXzM4QbWnV402w Note To Self : Make a newer version soon
  17. this may be small but I saw some stuff on the 1.0 update and they are adding ore.The problem I saw was they never really named the ore so I was thinking like...Kerbinite or something funny like that.
  18. well it could be a distance away were the only orbit that is effected are the 2 stars if that is what you are trying to say.Basically so the orbits dont have to be advance.
  19. now I know this may be a bit big for an update but it would be really cool having to travel to a whole other start that is with in the solar systems.A lot of solar systems in real life have around 2 stars and each star has planets so the fact of travelling something greater than Eeloo where you need to build your rocket in space using docking ports and be able to travel to a whole new star system.please use the poll if you like the idea or dont like the idea.
  20. I do know that deadly reentry is compatible now with .90 just im to lazy to upgrade to that version you should see the log in a second
  21. please anyone I cant play ksp until I get this fixed also please ask for more information if you need any
  22. this video describes some of it but you will see I cant go into the VAB or the space plane hanger also when I get into something like the research building I cant get out and I cant exit to menu.It happens even if I restart the game and I say I have a mod installed because I do but is incompatible with ksp .90 but I never had any issues with it for about when .90 came out so I dont think thats the problem.The mod is deadly reentry.
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