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Posts posted by MarcAlain

  1. I've experienced a kraken style event on a space station around Kerbin. I can prevent it from happening by un-installing KJR. No other mod removals seem to impact this issue.


    This is a very long term sandbox save, with hundreds of missions and many landings, bases, and stations around the Kerbol System.


    What I don't understand is why I've never had this issue before.


    Is anyone else having any KJR next related issues?


  2. I'm having an issue where upon installation of Extraplanetary Launchpads for 1.4.5, it is placing all pods that are compatible with ELP into the ELP tab in the VAB/SPH.

    What would be causing that and how can I fix it?


    A few files I believe are related:

    ModuleManage Config Cache file:





    Thanks for any assistance!



  3. 4 hours ago, Kerbas_ad_astra said:

    It's supposed to go on the other way, I think...

    Yeah, especially with the upcoming localization patch -- it would be much easier to just mush all the changes into the files and be done with it, rather than dancing around the perimeter.  OrionKermin's not logged on here or on Curse since October 2015, but I'll drop him a PM here and there on the off-chance he turned on email notifications.

     Indeed it is, but when you connect it the proper way it forms the cone the wrong way now. 

  4. 8 hours ago, goldenpsp said:

    It helps to peruse through threads.  About 10 posts back is your answer.  MKS hides the EPL parts as it has MKS analogs for them.  MKS doesn't have a recycling bin but it has the capability for an engineer to disassemble individual parts off a ship which recycles it, and demolition charges which will recycle multiple parts or an entire craft.



    Well aware, been using this mod for awhile. If I remove the "hiding" off those parts though, can I get the EPL chain back, and still use MKS parts?

  5. 2 hours ago, goldenpsp said:

    Then don't use it.  Overall the parts needed to make the materials for EL are the same parts you would use for other aspects of an MKS base anyhow.  But yes better discussed in the MKS thread.

    It's more about the logistics chain to turn mined material into parts usable for building things. in EPL, it's ore > metal > rocket parts > finished product. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, DStaal said:

    Yeap.  ;)  The USI system makes sense, but it is a bit more complicated.  (It was partly developed in conjunction with OSE Workshops, which noticed that the base EL setup has a rather severe exploit available.)

    Pretty annoying, considering how this limits the construction of larger stations and bases. I like mods that reduce the part count needed, not increase it :(

  7. I have a strange bug to report.

    There's the situation:

    I. Tweakscale is used to scale down the 2.5m x200 48 and 96 tanks to 1.25m

    II. The X200 48 weighs more even without fuel in it than the 96 does. The 48 weighs 3.2 tons, basically it's 2.5 meter mass instead of being half that of the 96, which weighs 1 ton tweaked down.

    EDIT: Been playing with it some, and the tweakscale masses get so bizzare. Sometimes I tweak it down, and it says it weighs anywhere from .5 to .7 tons empty, then sometimes it is suddenly 3.2 tons.

    EDIT 2: Apparently I was using an out of date version of this mod. Seems fixed with the newest version.

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