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Posts posted by MarcAlain

  1. I think the simplest option would be to find a planet mod with a plausible planet and then make the config tweaks you like for a more Kerbin-like experience.

    Adding or removing planets changes the "Flight Globals", which is liable to move ships around when loading an old save. Check the Kopernicus log to find out the new numbers, then edit the "REF" lines in the ORBIT section for each vessel in your savefile. Takes a little fiddling but it works OK. Make sure your save is backed up!

    Man oh man, how bad would this break bases? My stations aren't that much of an issue, but my mining setup on Minmus is pretty massive.

  2. You can. Did you wait for the ElectricCharge to recharge?

    Ok so just to be clear, you're saying you can take a ship without any of your parts attached, and go from one beacon to another? How is that supposed to work? I don't see how this mod supports that. Seems you have to have the jump drive for the ship to be capable of jumping to a cyno.

  3. I know there are some Kopernicus planet packs which add an entirely new star system, but not sure if any of them actually add a new star system (or more than one) ingame rather than just replace the Kerbol system with a different one.

    Whether any of those or similar planet packs have a planet where Kerbals can remove their helmets safely, I have absolutely no idea.

    I'm not seeing any that do, there's one with some oxygen in lower canyons, however, that's all I'm seeing.

  4. Are there any mods that transfer any of the existing planets into "livable" planets with "breathable" atmospheres for our dear Kerbals? Being able to end game colonize Duna, Eve, or Laythe would be awesome. More than just placing air-tite bases, I'm talking actual colonization!

  5. Laythe maybe?


    "Although Laythe has liquid water on its surface, its polar regions have temperatures below zero degrees Celsius. The lack of polar ice caps means that Laythe's oceans must contain another compound, most likely ionic, such as salt. Surface samples indicate that much salt is present on Laythe's surface. Unlike that of Kerbin, the air cannot be breathed by Kerbals (according to EVA reports). It is therefore possible that there are also high concentrations of salt in the air, as well as on the surface, assuming that the salt is sodium chloride. The apparent toxicity of Laythe's atmosphere, despite being similar in composition to Kerbin's, may also be a reference to the film Avatar - the moon Pandora is very similar to Earth, but its atmosphere is too toxic for humans to inhale, and the moon also orbits a gas giant, like Laythe. Laythe may also be a reference to the planet Damogran from the radio/tv/book/movie series The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, as they are not entirely unlike one another."

  6. No, I think that's something else. This has beacons and a jump drive, and is a standalone mod, but does not include a warp drive.

    This is looking better anyways, as it only requires electricity instead of annoying karbo crap.

    EDIT: Just tested it, this is the simple warp drive everyone wants! I do think the electricity amounts could be increase, with NEAR Future this is very easy to deal with!

    EDIT2: Question - can you go from static beacon to static beacon with existing ships?

    EDIT3: Nope, you can't. However, that would be a good feature!

    This mod is so awesome. I could add the beacon module to space stations so doing logistics isn't such a pain in the far future of my space program :)

  7. If one jumps to a beacon, do they have to worry about their origin velocity or angle? Or do they take on the vector of the orbiting beacon?

    Nevermind, figured it out :) This mod is exactly what I've been looking for! It would even allow my "primitive" nuclear and xenon powered spacecraft to still be viable after the the breakthrough to warp technology.

    Is there a way to adjust how much karbondrum is used when you jump via the configs?

  8. No, but you may end up using a combination of Warp Jumps and Time Warp. It is slower than just a direct warp jump there, but still much quicker. I did a Warp-Jump to Duna this way in 10 days vs like 100+ days needed to travel to Duna normally.

    I just wish a mod would come out that allows warping with some velocity modification when you exit warp :(

  9. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100798-1-0-2-Alcubierre-Warp-Drive-%28Stand-alone%29-v0-2-1-2015-05-15?p=1559987&viewfull=1#post1559987

    If that linked properly, there is a method explained there. With heat being a thing in 1.0+ though, I strongly recommend NOT to do this method INSIDE the orbit of Moho.

    I thought potentially that aerobraking could be a method to use for like Jool, but there is a velocity limit before your ship will just instantly explode from overheating. I have confirmed that the Warp-ring soaks up ALL the heat and protects all parts inside the bubble from heat, even though the bubble will not be active/visible. I have not tested if this means you can keep panels extended or not, I suspect no.

    Doesn't this limit when I can travel to said planet significantly?

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