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Posts posted by MarcAlain

  1. K2 isn't compatible with 1.0. - It has stopped development quite a bit ago as well.

    I tried to adjust the .cfg file, but I suppose i fail to understand what the problem is. I got the correct height, but the heatshield for 1.25 parts would not connect properly.

  2. I'm looking for someone to make a proper 2 man capsule for KSP. Something that preferably looks like the MK1-2 pod, but even something that looks like the MK1 pod is fine too. There aren't many that existed before 1.0, and most of those were abandoned even before then.

  3. How about a quick ghetto hack on a Mk1-2 pod ? :) The configuration file below, placed anywhere within the GameData subdirectory structure, uses the model for the stock 3-man Mk1-2 pod, resized to 1.25m and stretched a bit, configured for 2 kerbals with proportionally adjusted costs and capacities. The top will conveniently fit a junior docking port or Mk-16 parachute.

    Looks great man! That's as good as I think I can find for now :D


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