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Everything posted by artemisrain

  1. I have wanted this ability since I started playing KSP. Thank you so much!
  2. Would it not be possible for CKAN to recognize both systems? Also, is it safe to assume that currently mods listed as "All versions" are not in fact all versions when including 1.1 pre-release?
  3. I really want to use this mod but my second attempt and I still can't get the gui to work. I click the gui button and nothing happens.
  4. Thank you for all of your hard work dude. This mod is essential. Now I can go build my space station and use it for it's true intention. FOR SCIENCE!
  5. Hey man how's it coming? I'm guessing you have either been busy or hit a roadblock. I hope all is well. Thank you for your hard work!
  6. Wow, thank you. I didn't find this anywhere. Brilliant!
  7. I have a bug that I wanted to check if there was any input before I report it. I searched through the thread and the bug report page and didn't find anything. Here is a screenshot http://imgur.com/1ht5pnX of my connection to KSC through Kerbin. Here is a screenshot http://imgur.com/LrbRHa9of the probe, all stock parts except the antenna. I'm about ready to do a clean install because I want to use this mod so bad.
  8. Do whatcha gotta do, man. I'm just waiting for your parts because I see no point in building a space station without them. Thank you for all of your hard work.
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