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Everything posted by Kloudmutt

  1. I'm having a little trouble with ships, they seem to wobble in their heading even with rcs and sas aid, is this normal?
  2. thanks, try to make em with the general shape and the least parts, the more detailed they look the more they lag
  3. Great mod, the small engine and rocket fuel tank fit nicely on the Komet
  4. B-25 might need to redo this using P parts to reduce part count
  5. also with low part count - - - Updated - - - And don't forget I take requests, it keeps me occupied... preferably prop planes and tanks, but jets work too
  6. Me added but it needs foudries, tweak scale, aviator arsenal and tareobee x-1
  7. Me-163 done and flying perfectly, armed with twin 20 mills and an actual rocket engine But just like the real life thing it is quite limited in range
  8. I made an aricobra with these also i would suggest more unguided rockets in general
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