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Everything posted by Judman13

  1. @Arditan427 Any updates on this? I have the same issue and the only way I can get them to go away is to open up the menu and toggle post processing. It happened on 1.0.5 and now its on 1.1 just the same.
  2. Very very cool! I may only have 120 hours logged on steam, but many many more hours on non-steam modded games. I have beta testing experience and a good bit of experience trouble shooting parts of KSP. I would love to help give back to the game that has caused my wife to start calling me Rocket Man. Thanks a ton for the awesome work being put it!
  3. The craft in the beginning of the video was the craft that produced the error. I have tried to reproduce it, but have not been able to. I was hoping there would be something in the logs that would point to what happened. However, I am not savvy enough to track that down.
  4. Kerbal Space program 1.0 part duplication error when using [ALT] + Click to duplicate part. Steam updated stock version. New Career game after update. No Mods. Tried to use Alt click to duplicate the Elevon 1, but after clicking the part did not appear and all other parts became un-clickable. I used [Ctrl]+Z to undo placement and then duplicated part appeared placed where I originally wanted it, but does not have any hover-over action and does not respond to undo and redo commands as shown. Error has spread to other parts. Any part that I try to edit now becomes unusable. Parts now stuck to mouse. Pressing Delete will not get rid of part. Cannot exit SPH with part stuck to mouse, had to force quit game. Seems a restart of the game has fixed the error. At the moment I cannot reproduce. Video of Error - https://youtu.be/Gdu1B-Ny57A Link to Saves and Output text folder (Google Drive) - https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B4UD7pVDF2KLfmNmYi1pODJ0ajR5dUk0T0dsUG1lLXFVNGcxY25HbmRsWE85U2tEM1Qtc1U&usp=sharing Please let me know if the permissions need to be changed. Just trying to help the community I have began to greatly enjoy!
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