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Everything posted by Kakahuete

  1. You can translate with that : https://translate.google.fr/?hl=fr#fr/en/%22%20Honn%C3%AAtement%2C%20j'ai%20ador%C3%A9%20les%203%20premi%C3%A8res%20minutes%20de%20ta%20vid%C3%A9o%20qui%20sont%20pour%20moi%2C%20les%20plus%20int%C3%A9ressantes.%20Je%20ne%20sais%20pas%20comment%20tu%20as%20fais%20mais%20c'est%20extr%C3%AAmement%20bien%20r%C3%A9ussi%2C%20le%20fait%20que%20ta%20cam%C3%A9ra%20se%20dirige%20tout%20autour%20de%20ton%20vaisseau%20avec%20ce%20sentiment%20de%20l%C3%A9g%C3%A8ret%C3%A9%20c'est%20tr%C3%A8s%20tr%C3%A8s%20tr%C3%A8s%20r%C3%A9ussi.%20(%20%C3%A9videmment%2C%20%C3%A7a%20me%20rappel%20%22Gravity%22%20)%0A%0AApr%C3%A8s%20le%20reste%20de%20ta%20vid%C3%A9o%20est%20cool%2C%20mais%20le%20plus%20int%C3%A9ressant%20crois%20moi%2C%20c'est%20ce%20plan%20s%C3%A9quence%20de%201m25%20%C3%A0%202m11%20et%20celui%20de%202m40%20%C3%A0%203m30%2C%20c'est%20vraiment%20LE%20TRUC%2C%20qui%20va%20me%20faire%20garder%20en%20souvenir%20ta%20vid%C3%A9o.%0A%0A%0ASi%20je%20pouvais%20te%20donner%20un%20conseil%2C%20je%20te%20dirai%20choisir%20un%20peu%20mieux%20tes%20musiques%2C%20%C3%A9vite%20le%20super-connu%2C%20essaye%20de%20faire%20d%C3%A9couvrir%20de%20nouveaux%20morceaux%20%C3%A0%20des%20gens%2C%20je%20sais%20que%20l'OST%20de%20Inception%20claque%2C%20mais%20crois-moi%2C%20il%20y%20a%20des%20milliers%20de%20musiques%20qui%20sont%20bien%20plus%20profondes%20que%20les%20%C5%93uvres%20de%20Hans%20Zimmer.%20%3B)%20%22 " Honnêtement, j'ai adoré les 3 premières minutes de ta vidéo qui sont pour moi, les plus intéressantes. Je ne sais pas comment tu as fais mais c'est extrêmement bien réussi, le fait que ta caméra se dirige tout autour de ton vaisseau avec ce sentiment de légèreté c'est très très très réussi. ( évidemment, ça fait penser àGravity ) Après le reste de ta vidéo est cool, mais le plus intéressant crois moi, c'est ce plan séquence de 1m25 à2m11 et celui de 2m40 à3m30, c'est vraiment LE TRUC, qui va me faire garder en souvenir ta vidéo. Si je pouvais te donner un conseil, j'te dirai choisir un peu mieux tes musiques, évite le super-connu, essaye de faire découvrir de nouveaux morceaux àdes gens, je sais que l'OST de Inception claque, mais crois-moi, il y a des milliers de musiques qui sont bien plus profondes que les œuvres de Hans Zimmer. "
  2. Sooner266 SweetFX will fix all my problems ? Okay, it's work, now, how can add Scatterer with RVE ?
  3. Aaaah.. my game crash at the launchpad no ! How can I do for that work ?
  4. Yes, but my result is not like you. I would say, from the very, very begining, when I just dowloaded KSP, what can I do ? Download in first Real Solar System ? EVE ? Realism Overhaul ?
  5. PLEASE, GENTLEMANS, HELP ME, I'M SERIOUS. I would like to make a... ....ing epic video on KSP with RVE, but... I have already installed this mod, work.. almost perfectly. For some reason, I was obliged to format my computer, now, I would like re-install this mother....ing epic mod and make my video.. but, I totaly forget, how. I searched many tutorials on Interdit, on Reddit, but.. my result it's not the same like before... So, let's try again and tell me how I can install properly this mod, from the begining please sirs, help me. Look I have already made with KSP : I want the same result as on the pictures posted above !!! Gentlemans, help me, please !!
  6. Astronomy is everything for me since I'm a child, today, I want to share a gift for all of this. Hope you enjoy, 2 months of work.
  7. Hi, Whatever my name, whatever the country I come from, today, I felt the need to say, THANK YOU. Thank you for this 3 years of dreaming, hopes, knowledges and fun. I know that video is pretty bad, but I give it all my heart for make that. Thank you, thank you very much Squad. Nicolas.
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