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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Oh... Just a heads up. Just noticed a tiny incompatibility with Remote Tech mod. The mod fundamentally effects how probes work, so Smobodobodyne Probe core doesn't fit there well... I guess compatibility should be added to remote tech plugin side, since it's the plugin that changes gameplay dynamics. Also it feels like a really easy cfg addition. But I'm reluctant to mess & play with what I don't know... Also the technical side should be handled by the modders if they choose to. Just giving a heads up for fellow users / authorities.. Will post the same thing on their board. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83305-1-0-2-RemoteTech-v1-6-4-2015-05-07
  2. Oh... Just a heads up. Just noticed a tiny incompatibility with CactEye 2 mod. The mod introduces a slim probe core as a part, Smobodobodyne Probe core... I guess it's possible to copy the strings from any compatibility cfg file and adapt it to the part. But I don't feel it's an essential part anyway - so I'm reluctant to mess & play with what I don't know... Just giving a heads up for fellow users / authorities.. Will post the same thing on their board. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/105660-1-0-CactEye-2-Orbital-Telescope-BETA-5-2
  3. Is the overlapping text bug something like this? If it is, I will be happy, since I now know it's not my game corrupted, or some other mod problem*... But also, it makes the campaign unplayable for me (low frame rates, and problems/delays when clicking the right click menu buttons). I'm at a point where it doesn't make much sense advancing without probes. And I will feel like cheating if I use probes without r.tech. So
  4. It's not the turned off version. Here's a comparison of 1.0 & 1.0.1 : http://imgur.com/a/kPwNh (Credit to SuperLink243 from Reddit) Re-entry heat is unfortunately gone. An this is insane... What's the point of heat shields ? I prefer a balance between both... I think most people do... The thing is, the tweaks increased drag. That's quite ok with me, and that's making the atmosphere feel more soupy - which is great*. But in order to balance it, they also increased the lift values - which seems way too much right now. *Great for making orbit Dv values kinda more challenging. (3000 Dv was way too easy, people reported achieving orbit with "Dv<3000" on 1.0 - can't confirm though..
  5. Two major reasons: 1) Reentry heat: http://imgur.com/a/CBcbH#0 (credit to Timoff from Reddit) 2) Aerodynamics & Lift https://gfycat.com/AbsoluteFrequentCanine (credit to Yargnit from Reddit)
  6. Do you have a donation button somewhere? Edit: been listening your mod for probably more than 1000 hours. So, would like to buy you a beer, if that's ok:)
  7. 1) KSP version 1.0.2 2) It's a new save (actually made a complete fresh installation 20 hour ago - after 1.0.2 - only migrated 2 * 1.0 stock craft files) 3) I'm pm'ing you the file link in a moment... My network speed is acting weird, it will take some time to upload 40+ mbs
  8. Hey there! I've been trying this mod for around 3 days, but I can't seem to make the GUI work. I tried the example craft. Sent it to the orbit. Fooled around - the sun destroyed the optics and processors.. Sent an engineer fixed the optics, installed another processor. The asteroid processor pops up a menu when I right click on it, but the wide one does not.. I click on the main unit, a menu appears with "close/open aperture", "toggle GUI" and "control from here" I tried selecting targets and turning the telescope towards the target (from the navball) Nothing works. Basically the GUI doesn't appear. I'm trying to guess why, but can't figure out. Maybe I lack some knowledge on how to operate the mod, maybe my game's kinda broken. Anyway, would appreciate some feedback. I might have double posted or not.. The mod confirmation thing disorients me.. Anyway: here's the log error (actually 44mb of spam of the same error) [EXC 20:47:46.762] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object CactEye2.CactEyeOptics.OnUpdate () Part.ModulesOnUpdate () Part.Update ()
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