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    Curious George
  1. Hey everyone! As the current laptop I am using is literately falling apart I've come to the conclusion I need a new one. Also I've faced the fact that the only game I play on a consistent basis in the last two years is KSP. So I'm looking for something that's in the $2000-$2500 range, if anyone has any recommendations I'd greatly appreciate it. or should i just wait for the update to 1.1 and get out the duct tape to keep this thing together for a bit longer? Thanks everyone!
  2. Hey, there seems to be a problem with the nodes on the "Castor LARJ Thruster" "Excursion Module Fuel Tank" and the "XeEU-01 xenon extraction unit" where one node wont attach to anything. OOOH! my first post on the KSP forum, how exciting!
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