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Everything posted by achelon

  1. I had general problem with contracts. No new contracts appears and I could not complete any. After uninstalling DMagic Orbital Science everything seems to works fine.
  2. I've built a space station using Cupola module, Mobile Processing Lab, Hitchhiker module, Clamp-o-tron jr, few solar panels and fewa batteries. When I launched it into Mun orbit contract says that I don't have lab, power generators, cupola and cannot host 5 kerbals.
  3. For me transmiting science will not give me any science points.
  4. Oh! Thank you. I've always though the other way around.
  5. I'm trying to build my own plane with parts that i have unlocked. I've tried few designs and everyone flip over instantly I've tried different configuration of mass and lift centres. The stock ones fly just fine. What I'm doing wrong?
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