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    Curious George
  1. So I seem to be having a super bizarre problem with Module Manager here. See when ever I launch ksp 64x with it in my GameData and I go to one of my things like say my moon base; the frame rate tanks to like 10 fps or so no matter what I do. However if I launch ksp through that launcher that can be found in the ksp folder and do the exact same thing (also 64x) it runs perfectly fine. here is the output log from playing without the launcher: https://zerobin.net/?00ca9ae9b670a8c2#Nv1EpExCj2D9V+IhvDHaGXbeu0+0pvnkSJ/sanzIV3g= and here is the one from playing with the launcher (atleast I hope this is the log, it was only nammed KSP but the log in ksp64x wasn't updated when I played agian, but this one was) https://zerobin.net/?dab6f7207ad9dc81#PO0FH9+J9DKfK0SJ8z14DKYzZoW2+7watPV7aDjmNik=
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