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Everything posted by Trios

  1. For those of us uncultured swines, can you please translate what Jeb said? I don't understand what he might've said that changed Val's mind so quickly...
  2. With mint frosting. Maybe she was on Minmus? I just finished Duna Ore Bust and caught up on Eve: Order Zero. You, sir, are amazing and I can't wait for more. No, really. I can't wait. That means post it. Now.
  3. The Mk1 is the easiest to fly, though I do remember having that issue myself if I didn't manage the throttle very well through Max Q. Watch your acceleration while in the thick atmosphere. EDIT: Just tried the Mk1 again at full throttle all the way up, no problems at all. Are you pitching too quickly?
  4. I am not. Done, done, and done. The 25km periaps made a huge difference, I really was coming in too steep. Much cooler shuttle on landing: The control surface on the skipper-protection wing is currently non-functional, I was trying to set it up to deploy downwards when the airbrakes deploy (similar to the actual shuttle) to counteract their aero effect, but I'm having trouble with that action group for some reason.
  5. Thank you. I'll figure out how to add that wing under the Skips. I'm not really sure about the A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S. though. I know the shuttle used the split rudder as a speed brake, and it'd be awesome if the stock part could do that (since it shows the split), but adding another tail just for that seems silly, and I will have to look at the orbiter from a few different angles to decide where I might want to put airbrakes if I decide to use them. I've been re-entering at 23km and still nearly overfly the runway (despite turning upside down, or sometimes even pointing nose down, to try and slow). I'll try 25km with the periaps a bit further west; I definitely would prefer if my solar panels don't explode on the way down. Every single time I come down, I'm trying to manage my speed and heading to make sure I hit KSC and suddenly, BAM, explosion. Scares the bejeezus out of me, even though it's just the tail surface solar panels. Every time. Again, thank you. I'm enjoying building my space station this way, even though it's a lot 'simpler' to just lift whole large sections via a heavy rocket.
  6. Have you ever had a need to transport 26 Kerbals from one continent to another all at once? No? . . . . Well, neither have I. But just in case Jeb decides he wants to celebrate his birthday at KSC2, you can now take the whole Kerbal gang along for the ride! Introducing the Kerdonnell-Douglas KD-80 series, the latest in T-tail, rear-fuselage mounted engine goodness from Kerdonnell-Douglas! This craft flies quite well, has easy intercontinental capability and a max cruising altitude of 9500m (about 40,000 ft if you convert the scale height to Earth numbers, quite respectable). In addition to the pilot and co-pilot, you can have 24 passengers in this first-class-only configuration, each kerbal having nearly more than an entire seat's worth of extra legroom and tons of head and shoulder space. Even your fattest scientists will enjoy flying in this paradise. Flying this bird is easy; set flaps 30 (press 1) and throttle up. Fully loaded, V1 is at 58 m/s. V2 is untested but estimated at 75 m/s. V3 is 70 m/s, so lift your flaps and take off into the wild blue yonder. Stalls are very gradual and the nose drops naturally, recovering the stall. It's hard to crash this aircraft! See your local Kerdonnell-Douglas dealer today! Starting at only 51,091 fully fueled and ready for takeoff, these planes are a steal! (please do not steal our planes)
  7. Thank you :] Any improvement suggestions? Successful recovery of a Mk2 variant landing at KSC (a little hot!):
  8. Mark 2.1 version. Bigger EFT & a docking port. Costs 131,472. Able to lift some significant payloads: Craft file A word from the now-wiser: You really need to put some sort of control on a station part even if it's just to keep it oriented upwards. Wasted a lot of RCS dealing with Station Part Two tumbling around while I tried to use Part 1's RCS to attach to it.
  9. Thank you One of them thar things costs 123,072. I play in sandbox mode though so if that's a 'high' price then I'm sorry. You could probably add some parachutes to the LRBs/EFT and recover them with appropriate mods to save on some $$. Cost with the station component ready for launch is 136,732. I've been playing around with it and I created a less-stubby Mk2 version with RCS and a couple solar panels. The panels are problematic as they seem to want to explode on re-entry, but the booster still has plenty of delta-v and I'm sure you could get a pretty good orbit with a sizable payload. Cost is 129,422. Pic of the external tank below to show remaining fuel after boosting this thing to a 70x130km orbit. The Mk2 is significantly harder to fly, though. Not sure why, but it seems like the tail control surface causes all sorts of roll issues when enabled for yaw control, but without it you have no yaw control so hard to fly without it too. Shuttle Mk2 Craft
  10. Or is there a Wilhelm scream in the audio when you're sitting, staring at KSC for a while? There's lots of birds chirping and such, but when I leave my PC on this screen to do look something up or make a post, I swear I occasionally hear a Wilhelm scream.
  11. This shuttle is surprisingly easy to fly, and has plenty of Delta-V to lift just about anything you can fit in the cargo bay into a 120km orbit. Don't forget to jettison the external tank before your periapsis is above 70km; you'll probably have to drop it with some fuel left. Active management of fuel tanks is required not long after SRB separ, with SAS on keep an eye on the pitch control that the computer is using to maintain attitude and adjust the levels between the top and bottom tanks as needed to keep the pitch control near zero. It doesn't have any RCS thrusters, solar panels, or docking adapters, so any mission requiring any of those will require modification of the shuttle. It's 'Mk1' for a reason. I had to deviate from the actual shuttle in that the SRBs are actually LRBs. There just isn't enough oomph in any of the stock SRBs. Included is a pic of the first part of a space station that I threw into a 102km orbit using this baby. Craft File
  12. I decided to make a single massive vehicle to make it to Duna (and hopefully back) with a drill and converter and whatever else might be necessary to work on stuff out there. I think I probably need some other parts as I'm not sure how the converter works (never used the drill stuff before), but for now, I have an automated drill/converter lander (no thrust, so you better be good at landing where you wanted to), a regular Kerbal lander, and the Apollo style CSM return vehicle. Oh, and 3 satellites that you will deploy along the way to map the planet and its moon (and...something else. You get 3). Don't let KER fool you, there's way more DeltaV here than 5k. In LKO: The craft file Feel free to give me any suggestions you might have. EDIT: Ahh, damnit, I can't edit the title typo. It's exploitation. Not explotation. Though Explotating Duna sounds like the Kerbal thing to do.
  13. Ok, fine, here's a couple more hints... I gotta say, I'm kind of proud of the Viper, while Craplactica is a pile of...crap...
  14. Bwahah. I read it before you editied it but the reply came through after you edited it. Only just realized the timestamps.
  15. Was never designed to be an atmospheric craft. Now I just need some Vipers... Only going to post this one, far-away, profile pic because it's ugly as sin from most every angle (including this one)...
  16. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/117025-The-Race-to-Publish-the-First-KSP-1-0-Compatible-Spaceplane-SSTO?p=1878270&viewfull=1#post1878270 So small! Gotta get your ascent profile just perfect; keep practicing!
  17. Jebediah: "Sweet! I made it into orbit with only 4 parts!!!" Jebediah: "......." Jebediah: "Uhhh...guys? I think I forgot a thing. Can someone come get me please??"
  18. Just was playing around with the fun new physics model, I wasn't really sure this would work, but it did. Circular 80km orbit with enough juice left to deorbit; I had a dorsal stabilizer, but it...uh...had an unfortunate smelting accident at high velocity.
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