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Everything posted by Reddeyfish

  1. Before I try to do this on my own, has anyone tried plugging KSP orbital paths/burns into black-box optimization algorithms (i.e. Simulated Annealing, Coordinate Descent)? (i.e. optimize the lowest kerbin periapse while in a duna orbit within the next 5 in-game years. The result would hopefully detect and use multiple moon gravity assists) (I have found one research report here [URL]http://ccar.colorado.edu/asen5050/projects/projects_2014/Nikkel_Jonathan/index.html[/URL] (which became a web app for transfer planning [URL]http://ksp.olex.biz/[/URL]) which mentions the use of grid search (machine learning), but appears to be only exhaustive search).
  2. X-COM skyranger. The reverse-thrust 2.5m engines plus the ability to afterburn the 1.25m engines are going to help with actually flying the thing, and the MK3 ramp is a must.
  3. If you hold down ALT, things will snap to nodes. However, from the picture it looks like you've placed the radial attachment point upside-down.
  4. rocket delta-v can be calculated manually, but most people use Kerbal Engineer.
  5. you don't need any fuel lines with spaceplane engines; they drain equally from all tanks, just like RCS.
  6. -Stack separators don't leave debris on either end, which makes them essential if you're deploying multiple things with one payload. (you can stack them on top of each other) -I assume you mean the Thud. They have some use in early-career spaceplanes, but they also have a very high gimbal range, which gives them some very good uses when you're trying to build something unconventional and have it actually fly. -the MicroNode is used to connect I-beams (yes, I-beams, not girders) to each other at right angles. I don't use I-beams, so I also don't use the MicroNode. (you can't radially attach things to I-beams like you can girders)
  7. They're also adding a Deep Space Network to Kerbin, so the kerbin commsats aren't necessary.
  8. The surface scanning module needs to be used on the surface, so you need to be landed first. Once you are landed, you can use the right-click menu to scan. You definitely need the scans for find a good spot for mining; the survey scanner has notoriously bad accuracy.
  9. if possible, you can dissipate all heat instantly by time-warping at the max speed.
  10. also, when you use rotation, press 'F' to toggle between absolute and relative rotation. If you use absolute rotation, then you can use angle-snap to snap it to be perfectly vertical.
  11. your 64 kN of thrust in the shown TWR readout is for in-space ISP, not atmosphere ISP. That's probably the source of your problems. Also, check to make sure that center ore tank as well as the monoprop tanks are empty or at least taken into account for your TWR.
  12. I'm not familiar with how DMP works with docking, but wouldn't it be possible for you to hitch-hike with an ally to get all the science you need? The ally member brings all the high-tech science and propulsion gear, you bring a kerbal and dock onto that gear to use it.
  13. where are the parachutes in your staging? if you don't activate the parachute in staging, then it shouldn't be deploying.
  14. Pretty much in the same boat; I quicksave often and quickload when a bug happens. (i.e. landing burn missed because warp to position doesn't stop) However, I keep quickload disabled so that I have to open up the debug menu and enable it every time I want to use it. Also, I've kept reverts enabled so that I can use them when I've deployed parachutes on a failed launch. Saves a bit of time and tedium, because I know the thing will land safely.
  15. You have an extra SHIP:MASS term. if your 'gravity' variable is meant to be the acceleration due to gravity, then the equation should be CONSTANT():G * ((BODY("Kerbin"):MASS * 1000) / ( distance * distance )). (remove the ship's mass) If your gravity variable is meant to be the force due to gravity, then the equation to calculate gravity is correct and is equal to the weight.
  16. Doesn't that create structural/aero problems? A part can't have two parents, meaning that whatever is placed after the two T800s is going to be disconnected from one of them. (No connection = no node occlusion, so more drag)
  17. An error message told me to post this here, so: Exception occured while saving ScenarioModule 'ContractVesselTracker': System.InvalidOperationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[ProtoPartSnapshot] (IEnumerable`1 source) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.Extensions+<GetHashes>d__18.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Linq.Enumerable.Contains[uInt32] (IEnumerable`1 source, UInt32 value, IEqualityComparer`1 comparer) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Linq.Enumerable.Contains[uInt32] (IEnumerable`1 source, UInt32 value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ContractVesselTracker+<>c__DisplayClass6.<OnSave>b__4 (.Vessel v) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Vessel].GetIndex (Int32 startIndex, Int32 count, System.Predicate`1 match) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Vessel].Find (System.Predicate`1 match) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ContractVesselTracker.OnSave (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 I am using the Advanced Progression, SANSat, KSS, RemoteTech, and Tourism contract packs.
  18. yep; 1100-1200 m/s. runway takeoff, then angle at 10-30 degrees above the horizon (exact angle depends on your jet TWR), once the jets start to lose air at around 18km / 1100 m/s, activate the rockets and pitch up if necessary.
  19. hold 'ALT' to have node-attachable things snap to those top and bottom nodes, attach surface-attachable things (e.g. goo, thermometers, etc.) to the inside surface of the bay. EDIT: ninja'd
  20. the orbit in the video has the periapse at about 800 million. Yours is at 2330 million. That's probably why.
  21. Is there a mod that allows the color of lights to be changed after the craft has been launched? If yes, what is the mod? If no, how hard would it be to make? If it's not too hard, how would I go about making it? (New to ksp modding) EDIT: nevermind, found one: https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/170/Bright%20Utilitarian%20Luminescent%20Beacon%20%28BULB%29 can this thread be deleted?
  22. For early career, the hidden record contracts are enough. Once you reach mid-game, then you'll want to start taking rescue contracts, plant flag contracts, and so on.
  23. no, it's the astronaut complex that allows EVAs. R&D will give you resource transfer and surface samples. Make sure your kerbals can do EVAs.
  24. There are two blue symbols; One for target burns, and another for radial/anti-radial directions. I'll assume you're talking about the target burn one, since that issue is more common. The target burn will often appear to 'jump' around when the amount of delta-v left in the burn is very low. (i.e. less than 10m/s low) Timewarping will cause it to stabilize, but once you drop out of time warp it'll start happening again. It is generally caused by some sort of physics instability such as part clipping (parts in service bays are especially notorious), but can also be caused by a lack of structural rigidity (add more struts) and occasionally for no good reason at all. When this instability happens, the amount of time remaining in the burn as well as your orbital path often become jumpy as well. I don't know of a good way of fixing it permanently, but since it only happens with very small velocities it's easy to ignore.
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