Its funny, you said his is legit, where I reported it and you said it was working as intended...i knew there was a bug in that. I have kerbal stats version 2.0.0 installed, but i'm not seeing any real "change" to the game with it installed. I don't see any way to check kerbal's stats or see who has what skills. I verified that i have the version released on 5/1/15 7:08pm. Is there something I'm doing wrong with this? This is on my list to try as well. I was waiting for another fix to make sure they got all my issues in one shot, but after reading some other posts I'm seeing that I might be at a point where I should just go ahead and update it. I did see that someone made a new workshop model, do you think that putting in an IVA is part of that process that would fix some of the issues I have? I don't have any kind of crew transfer modules installed...that i know of. I don't have crew manifest since you specifically noted this one. Its quite annoying to have to continually cancel a transfer that was complete. on my stream you can see how this occurs, but basically what I'm doing is connecting two vessels or bases together using KAS with a pipe, then having to annoyingly search the workshop for the 1 pixel that is the crew hatch (its rather hard because it doesn't appear to be bound inside the obvious box on the top, its more off to one corner of the module instead), then I click transfer in the window that pops up and it says "xxxx was transferred to xxx" but it still shows "select the location you want to transfer to". If I try to do it again nothing happens then because the kerbal isn't in that module anymore so i have to click esc to do the next kerbal. I was aware of this and the vessel productivity with the one and only "stupid" kerbal in it is what i'm referring to. IE there are no other kerbals in the entire vessel. The overall AND the module's productivity are identical and both show negative even when I transferred him out. After playing around with it a bit though I have seen cases where it does actually update correctly so I'm not able to replicate the issue consistently. It may be that the recalculation just hadn't occured when I do it. Reloading the game (going back to space center and back to the vessel) does refresh the calculation, its just very annoying to have to go through all that to fix it. I'll try to dock things together to see if that helps, but its rather hard to dock ground bases together effectively (where I'm having the issue). I will try to get the latest version of the mod since you did some changes in the latest release regarding negative productivity issues. I'm not sure if you ever got around to watching it. If you send me a follow you might be able to catch me live one time. Feel free to jump into my chat channel I can go around and we can discuss the mod a bit. I don't get a lot of viewers or anything so it should be cool to discuss whatever. I'm sure it would make an interesting segment as well. I have a teamspeak server we can even do a voice mode if you'd prefer as well. The stream delay may cause problems with your ability to speak with me real time since you won't see what i'm doing in real time anyway to demonstrate problems. Thanks for the response! Despite my frustrations, the mod is still my favorite one so far!