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Everything posted by Miravlix

  1. I'm currently launching a new sat every day and sending them towards Moho, to create breadcrumbs behind the first one I lunched to explorer Moho, while trying to get the 300 science to get the 88-88. The Moho trip is 102 days.... (I think 83 days is optimal for a Moho encounter) Why Moho, because the transfer window for it came up, so early that I wanted to use it, but AntennaRange killed my plan, my first game with it active, so I hadn't quite pictured the range of the antenna's yet. A little more range would be nice, because 100+ pearls on a string is a bit much.
  2. I've changed my setup to 1 day min, 28 day max and 45% of the mission time counting towards vacation, bit better than having a pilot do a test run with a rover at KSC, going on 1 week vacation after. That improves things somewhat, but I would like having 0 day min option. Though maybe a simple X hours of min mission for earning vacation would be just as good.
  3. Weird hating going on here... I guess most of you have made those mistakes yourself and is upset at someone poking fun at it
  4. Best Concept For a KSP Mod Ever. B.C.F.K.M.E. Okay, not the best ever acronym, not going to reuse that one. While trying out RemoteTech, I noticed that what breaks the mod is that you can always just stick a Kerbal Pod on a rocket and RT is pointless, even with snacks installed. While hyper realism, like RT, is overdoing it, it does point out that the balance between manned and unmanned, in the stock game, could use a tweak. Maybe you could use the Tech Tree to upgrade snack capacity, so Kerbals can stay in space longer and longer in the same Pods. Another idea is snack cost, so in the early game you may only want 1-3 snacks in the pod, because bringing 50 would cost a Kerbalion. Though I'm worried it would simply make it annoying to constantly having to adjust snack capacity on every rocket.
  5. I love the idea of the mod, but after reading tutorials and starting a fresh game with it, something hit me like a hyperspace bypass operation. Why does everyone talk about all the trouble of putting up satellites and stuff, when I can just stick a manned pod on the craft and all problems is solved. ... I think the mod simulate real world sat systems well (Not a Sat Scientist, so I could be wrong), but you seem to have forgotten the difference between Kerbals and the real world and you just created all the problems with sats, but none of the reasons we use them over manned probes.
  6. Fresh game, so I made a Jet Car, with Goo, Science Jr, and temperature scan. Two pods, with a pilot and scientist on board. 1: It keeps showing the "you ran the experiment" discard, keep, send menu. (While at the same time storing it) 2: It didn't use the scientist to reset Goo/Science Jr. I think the only other mod installed that messes with science is Scansat (It creates a ScanSat container in every pod) and perhaps Ship Manifest. Isn't it a "standard game deviation" that it can store unlimited same experiments in one pod. Would be nice if it was an option. (I think the MPL is the only container that allows unlimited storage in a stock game)
  7. Take a real airplane, roll it, what happens? It turns... Start the engine of a plane on a flat ground and let it roll without touching any controls and it takes off, because planes is naturally creating uplift. Yes, you're trying to counter the unlimited uplift design of the game, but all you do is creating weird version of flying bricks. For a more enjoyable experience, you might want to enable SAS and create planes with lift before mass. The Stock Aero plane is fantastic to fly, it has lift slightly infront of mass, so without SAS it will flip, but except for that game design physics anomaly, it feels fantastic in the air.
  8. There is one element of the report that no one can do better manually. It tells you if the command module is turned the wrong way, important, since it will mess with the navball.
  9. It's actually my main problem with KSP, real space programs doesn't even drive their car across the parking lot without already having calculated how it would be done.
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