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Everything posted by Beenrak

  1. Can I do this after having already started the career? Would it make sense to just start over? Also, I enabled reverting flights when I started-- I don't like having the crutch of quick save, but if something goes wrong for reasons outside my control I like to be able to hit the big redo button.
  2. So I am by no means a pro at this game (or even very good to be honest) but I prefer a game to be difficult. I decided to start a career mode on Hard and things are going along fine except for cash. I have enough money to keep running missions essentially forever, but upgrading the KSC buildings is going to take forever! I am only making ~30k-50k profit on each mission and that's if I happen to find two contracts that can be done at the same time. I am just about to launch my first Mun mission, which I am hoping will bring in more lucrative contracts. My question is: Is the grind going to continue this slowly? or once I hit the Mun should things speed up? Also, I have yet to upgrade Mission Control, would it be in my interest to do that (I have funds for that) so I can complete more than 2 contracts simultaneously? Thanks.
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