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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Do you have any plans for weapons after you are done with the ones your are currently working on?
  2. 2. I'm not looking for ability to kill. I would like some medium caliber cannons that when fired, would do some damage, but not completely destroy the craft. The abrams would be good for this except the craft would have to be pretty big to have this effect and my computer wouldn't be able to handle it.
  3. I have a few suggestions: 1. Unguided rocket artillery, like an MRLS turret 2. A 50mm or 60mm cannon, it would fill a gap between not enough damage from a 30mm gun and total destruction from the Howitzer or the Abrams turret 3. Non moving , non gattling gun, gun mounts for .50 cal, 20mm, and 30mm 4. A ground to ground missile like an anti tank missile 5. IR smoke for ground vehicles to combat incoming missiles.
  4. I doubt it. While BDA is amazing, it makes weapons easy. The unpredictable stock torpedoes "He" used on his ships played a noticeable part in the series. Also, BDA weaponry isn't really meant for space and "He" would be limited to guns and one missile which could take away from the charm of combat. Using missiles and guns would change the combat from hoping the torpedo hits and hoping it does enough damage to disable the ship, to firing a guided missile and watching the target explode.
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