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Everything posted by CloudlessEchoes

  1. It wasn't an issue with a youtube video, she plagiarized an entire journalistic research article from a Smithsonian publication, and submitted it to several online publications. It's not "asinine", it's a serious journalistic problem. The publications pulled the article when it was reported to them (they aren't exactly the type of sites I would hold high in journalistic integrity however). No apology or acknowledgement was ever given. I and many others won't support someone with that lack of ethics. YMMV. And lots of people make a living off of youtube, it's quite lucrative.
  2. I thought I recognized her from somewhere. Yes she ripped off professional highly researched articles that took years for people to put together. She's easy on the eyes so she gets attention still. This is a big deal in the space history circles, of which I'm guessing there are more than a few in the ksp community.
  3. As others have said, anything the community discusses is just that, discussion. Unless a dev says they are working on it or will work on it then it doesn't have anything to do with what is going into the game. There were some dev posts recently about them working on 1.1 and some features etc were confirmed in those topics.
  4. I'm trying this out, great mod! I don't seem to be getting access to the science modules however. I am using UKS and USILS also, if that helps. Some version DLLS were different between these mods, I chose the newest versions.
  5. Is there some trick to getting subassemblies to show up? I paste them in the folder but they don't show up in the list in the game. This has happened to me with other subassemblies in the past also. Edit: ignore the above, I think I just don't have all the items needed in my career mode!
  6. This thread is shameful. The only open letter should be to the mods requesting that they close and delete threads like this. What is it about the internet that makes everyone an expert about coding, development cycles, marketing, porting, etc? The people giving advice aren't experts, and their advice is worth what was paid for it. If you were you'd be out doing it somewhere and not writing about it here. KSP is a great game, which is why I come here to read about what others are doing in it. IMO the banterers, haters, and know-it-alls should be relegated to reddit or elsewhere. The current forum environment certainly wouldn't look great to any newcomers.
  7. I've never been able to get the F key toggle to actually do that, is there some trick to it? The message comes up with the toggle but items continue to lock to symmetry on the entire vessel.
  8. It does seem that you can set two stations running, and then dock them afterwards... they both keep running.
  9. Thanks! That's what I was looking to know... looks like I have to send up some power for this second lab. Just curious, is that documented anywhere? I wasn't able to find that described in the wiki etc.
  10. I have two mobile labs on a Minmus station, coupled with Clamp-O-Trons. I had the first loaded up with almost 500 data. I then moved some science to the second, and tried to add data to it. But data won't load into this second lab for some reason. Is there a restriction to using two connected like this? It says "not enough data storage to research xxxx while in spae near Minmus". It will also say sometimes that it has already been researched in this lab, although nothing has been researched in this new lab yet.
  11. If you haven't already, try keeping your rocket straight up till 25,000. On the G indicator to the right of the navball, adjust throttle as you go up so you are only at 1.5G's. If you speed up fast, try to throttle down to keep yourself under ~200m/s until you reach around 7,000. Also, use the AV-R8 Winglet, it's available in early career and will allow you more control over your rocket when you're in the atmosphere! Can you post the components of a rocket you are trying to fly so others can try it out and maybe give more detailed tips?
  12. I have two mobile labs docked to each other in Minmus orbit, and it won't let me put any data into the second one. Is this an intended restriction? It keeps saying it's full. I moved the science to that one before attempting to load it.
  13. I agree with the OP. I started playing ksp maybe two weeks before 1.0. The community seemed great, and there were so many useful guides and mods. Then when I started reading 1.0 release info, I was surprised at the negativity. I couldn't believe that people who claimed to love a game so much would care what number the release was called. After all, you would be getting it and playing the exact same content either way, right? Then with the release the floodgates opened. Negative comments everywhere. Honestly most game forums are just completely toxic, but this one didn't seem to be, until 1.0. The entitlement of thinking the game should play exactly as you personally want it to won't get people what they want. It's going to play how the developers want it to, and they're going to listen to well reasoned, constructive arguments, not the hate fest that went on. In the end I'm sure it is a loud minority just like it always is, but it doesn't leave a good impression.
  14. Hello, Do contracts in 1.0 still make it so you might miss some? For instance, I'm doing a normal career game, and I've never gotten a contract to explore the Mun. Is this because I might have done some Mun exploring before the contract came up? I think I got an orbit or flyby contract first and did that. Right now I have a Minmus flyby contract. If I made a probe and orbited it instead, will it preclude me getting an "explore Minmus" contract? I'd like to be able to do them all!
  15. I'm not sure what the benchmark for "realistic" is that's being used here. Most of the people throwing that word out there have no idea what that means. What it means is that in real life, you can't just build rockets and planes out of an erector set and expect not to blow up or have something go horribly wrong. Planes that break the sound barrier and rockets with landers that can go to the moon take the work of hundreds of thousands of people and billions of dollars of development, not someone scrounging in a box of parts and saying "how about adding this one?" The real thing is designed from the ground up by experts in many scientific fields and they all have specific tasks. If this game was anywhere close to realistic almost no one would be playing it. So you should enjoy it for what it is: a fun game that takes some of the general concepts of space and air flight and applies them to the degree where people and kids of all ages can have a sandbox and be successful in it.
  16. A safe way is to keep a 1.5 twr on your ascent. This involves adjusting it as you go up, since the higher you go, the higher your twr will go. You save fuel for higher up this way also. Just a slight lean or maybe even straight up until 26-30km. Also, although those fins add some stability, if you put on the AV-R8 Winglet I've found you can gain some serious control of your rocket, just go easy on the adjustments! I too didn't realize how struts were used until recently... I thought they would prevent a decoupling!
  17. Hello, since 1.0.1 the staging seems to be working incorrectly. I have a center stage, with three identical tanks radially outside of it. They are separated using radial decouplers, but before that the radial tanks are feeding the center tank with fuel ducts. This should show two stages, One with all four, then one with just the center after decoupling. But only one is showing up. 1.0.2 has the same issue.
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