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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. How do I do that? I've always wanted my wallpaper to switch like that (can't think of the right words right now).
  2. Granted, but then the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch blows up in your hand.
  3. Aww, OK. If you want to annoy someone ping Kuzzter. At least I got it right! @sal_vager?
  4. 8/10 See you around a lot too, and you'd see me more if you looked in Bluedog Design Bureau's thread, and sometimes Tantares.
  5. Oops. It must have been thrown up by the frog before we cooked it. Waiter, there's a dank meme in my soup!
  6. My favorite movie (I'm still young) is The Martian but the book is much better.
  7. No. ZooNamedGames? We should go back to the old way.
  8. https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/4wotk5/olympic_tracer_bjmaki/
  9. Game cover has 3 animals. Animals have eyes. Illuminati confirmed.
  10. Kerbal Space (Dead Space): Humanity has uncovered Kerbals from an ancient planet and they take over the universe. Peacefully, of course.
  11. You forget to eat from all the KSP. I wish for fish that wish.
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