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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. It was this. http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/alternative_literature.png
  2. I was surfing on 3 foot waves today. I got crushed by one and nothing exciting happened.
  3. Seen you a lot, I gotta try those mods. 8/10
  4. 5/10, haven't seen you, but those configs look nice!
  5. You already ate your other one. Why didn't you notice the the extra the in that sentence?
  6. I've heard that Pitivi, a linux-only video editor, works rather well. I just got it yesterday, and it's free, but couldn't figure it out very well.
  7. Well, my iPad usually uses desktop sites except for youtube.
  8. Oh, I actually think that is the mobile site! It looks pretty good right there, but if I didn't know what it was I would freak out.
  9. Could you upload a picture of it in incognito mode? My iPad I'm writing on doesn't have it.
  10. I think fueled adapters would be awesome, same withh nosecones. Stock tweakscale would be awesome so we can make Shuttle SRBs or tiny little ones. Maybe some vacuum-optimized kick motors, I use those in my NASA-overhaul career for cheap orbiters.
  11. Well, you could quickly copy-paste the dumping from Ore tanks to all fuel tanks, but it might take a while.
  12. I fill the bunker with concrete, let it set, and then I stuff C4 into the cracks, then detonate it.
  13. I cover and fill the bunker with dirt. My hill.
  14. I think it could be a KSP-esque space race, a long-term game created by a player and hosted, and it would be something like Rockomax vs Jeb's Junkyard or Kerbodyne, with custom tech trees. There would be two launch sites, one for the KSC, and then another one on the other side of the planet, or 1/3s way around. The winner would be the first to do something, like a Mun mission or a Laythe manned return. Kind of like Civilization for KSP.
  15. I want the original Moho concept, lava everywhere and a dense atmosphere. Someone must make that!
  16. I think they should, they look very stockalike and have awesome models. They aren't OP, either.
  17. I make a black hole and suck yours up, then I flee to another part of the universe, and have it surrounded by black holes where you can't get in without being sucked in.
  18. Erupts volcano, killing you. I also build one and hide it somewhere random with random coordinates in a slipspace drive. My volcano.
  19. 10/10 Neil Armstrong RIP, space IS beautiful, and lots of quality. At least Kerbal quality.
  20. I make a black hole and have a ship orbiting inside the event horizon, but with a FTL drive keeping it aloft. Then the hill is sucked in, and I have the hill. My hill. Also in the black hole is the universe's military and all weapons. All with aimbots and wallhacks.
  21. I don't know, but I loved that one.
  22. A kerbal, they can live with intinite gees. What is the average airspeed of a maiden swallow?
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