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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. I want to know what people think of me. I think of Sampa as that one guy who hangs around the Space Lounge and Science labs.
  2. Any time anyone in my school thinks thew know about orbital mechanics and tries to explain it to me.
  3. Yes, I believe it does. First I would check with two identical proge rovers near the runway, one before a contract and one after in a new save. Better safe than sorry!
  4. Thats OK, I took a yera long break because I sucked and started re-learning the game a week before 1.0. I actually am pretty good from nothing but my standard rocket design.
  5. I think the Terrier node is super important, or you can accept a test contract for it.
  6. Here, have five bucks I was going to use on Counter-Strike skins. Best of luck!
  7. I could show you some on Steam broad casting, and also Skype. I have a time-tested orbiter with about 5.5 km/s of Delta-V, and also Delta-V is how much you can change your velocity. Say you are in a 75x75km orbit, and you expend 850 m/s of Delta-V, the apoapsis would be roughtly near the Mun's orbit.
  8. That would be fun. Those damn seals eat too much tuna. Delicious tuna that coukd be MINE! On a serious note, I count a real gamer as say, a counter-strike player who plays the game competitively, and not casually, like Call of Duty.
  9. I said this on the main thread, but when we get a basic idea I could make this in Autodesk.
  10. I hate clickbaits, but more annyoing are dumbed-down things about space. This one article I read used MILES, not Km or m for a height measurement. At least the mentioned the Delta IV...
  11. I got it, isn't it from that South Park episode where Earth is a TV show or something?
  12. I could make a model in Autodesk if you guys tell me what we are having, I doubt a 1U could get to Phobos.
  13. I have a measly 8GB, but my install on Ubuntuvis slowly getting laggy, so another 8 will slowly creep up on me.
  14. I would quicksave before landing, it is NOT fun. when your wing hits the imaginary launchpad 1 km in the air coming in for landing.
  15. Wait.. How do you get the Learstar to Dres? Can't it only get to LKO?
  16. Welcome! I used to lurk here a bit, but I never had an account. After 1.0 I made one though. It really is a great community. I saw your ship and it has a hugely offset CoM, as many others said. I usually double up on landers for safety in my hypothetical designs.
  17. Kerbals have really strond heads. Also explains why they are so stupid, always dropped on their head from orbit.
  18. Do-overs are worthless, just complete the contract vis debug and blow up the stages of thhe rocket that won't return.
  19. I just needed to know the rime my craft would experience darkness, gotta prep my batteries!
  20. I think we could have 3 ones, but weld them together go we have a 1x1x3 cubesat, and use that instead if being limited to one. Energy would be easier solver like this, you could have some flip out solar panels.
  21. I just need to know how long the period of darkness is on a Keosync orbit (2868.75 x 2868.75).
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