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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. Mods =/= Kraken. Once this is understood, you realize mods are safe. The worst thing is the Klaw and Cargo bays,thise are the true Kraken summoners.
  2. It's cool, but now an SSTO. I like the confept, 5 mil for a small sat, they can boost up to geostationary from the shuttle and have lots more, cheaper sats.
  3. I just put it somewhere on my desktop, never to be seen again. Like my unfinished BTSM save. Then I just play stock on the new update until my mods are updated. Then we're back to normal.
  4. Welcome to the forums! Don't worry, we don't bite. Usually.
  5. This is four years old... Just a slight necro. Slight. But this should be closed, it was the only one back there that wasn't. I read the rules after posting this, stupid me.
  6. Yeah, I think all FL-T tanks shoukd be available, and basic docking.
  7. Wow, a relic from before the coffee spill! Why isn't it closed like all the other old threads? EDIT: double-checked rules after, bad idea...
  8. I don't know but you can take the subassembly out and put it in another group.
  9. Ok, thanks. But the LV-909 is so necessary, I don't know why SQUAD doesn't have it in the demo when it's so important. I got into orbit for the forst time after learning it's magic. Then to the Mun.
  10. Nice lander! Does it have an ISRU unit?
  11. I saw that, but it didn't mention the LV-909, and that part is crucial to the game, but I believe it is in there (used to have demo in may/june 2013)
  12. Or just simplerockets with better controls and KSP graphics/solar system.
  13. I only play for one server that hasnt caught the minigame plague and has mature people on it. But it hasn't been up for a while because of upgrades, so I just play KSP. And counter-strike.
  14. Oh, thank you. I might do some demo challenges now! Is the LV-909 in it also?
  15. I play counter-strike and other games, but ksp mostly.
  16. This part could be fun to mess around with...
  17. ShadowZone made a ring station tutorial on his channel (link: )
  18. Can we have the .craft for your truck? It looks awesome!
  19. Cool ship! I like that design. Here, eat a rep cookie for your awesome deisgn.
  20. Also, the 'anti-rotation' orbit is called retrograde, and 'rotation' is called prograde. Just to let you know
  21. I just have normal docking ports and a senior. I never add more
  22. You can use B9 procedural wings to make very thin wings and those have very little drag. And you can fill them with fuel! I don't think lift stays the same, it gets worse but you don't need much, about 1 lift unit per 10 tons. Here is the link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104966-1-0-2-B9-Aerospace-Procedural-Parts-0-40-Updated-09-06-15
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